Why do we see so many Pledians and Serpents in the New Age if they are supposedly our mortal enemy? I caution you, should you awaken this Kundalini force, you will only be inviting "demons" (the government) to "posses" (own, or control) your body via Obama's chip implants. Why do they want to own our bodies? Precisely because we can evolve into God's perfect human creations if we follow God's voice--they can not do this, since they do not share our genetic potential. The most they can do is use their technology to create the illusion of owning our bodies.
The Christ of Christianity is represented by the number 8. A common shape of the Ouroboros (Snake Eating It's Own Tail) looks identical to the number eight. Is the God of Christianity a Snake in disguise as an Angel (one of the Annunaki abominations)?
"12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."
The Bible tells us that Satan will decieve the whole world, meaning a complete and perfect deception, no book or doctrine will be safe from the taint of Satan. And indeed, the name of Satan and his mark (666) can both be found in the Bible, implying that Satan has made his way into this book as well. Any entity which bears the mark of the beast, belongs to the beast, and therefore the Bible is the work of Satan. Only those who were created by God (and therefore existed prior to the creation of this world) will know the truth before it is revealed to all.
"Well, you just used 666--is this blog now tainted, too?"
That's the way to see it! The only being you can truly confide in is the Infinite One. Do not take my word, I am not your prophet. The Infinite One is your one and only prophet, and can not be found in It's full glory in the finite world (books, music, blogs, etc..), for God is a never-ending story. Listen to your intuition, and hear what God has to say to you. God will tell you in your dreams, in your imaginations, in your intuition, how to awaken your dormant genetics.
Who Are the Nephilim Again?
The term "Nephilim" is a collective nomenclature for the human-animal hybrids that Lucifer, the deviant T'selian, created throughout the centuries. Enki (Lucifer's demonic parrot) has been deceiving the whole world into believing Christ is a Nordic Giant, when these are half-human nephilim themselves as they have copious amounts of reptile genetics.
Lucifer is a true angel who fell from Heaven onto Earth (through a portal in the sky). Enki is a nephilim-annunaki pretending to be an angel, and was created here on this Earth. The name "Lucifer" is often abused by Christians, Satanists, and New Agers as being a source of spurn, when Lucifer translates to "light bearer" and therefore carries the torch to salvation. The name "Christ" fails to hold such a meaning, as it translates to "Messiah"--but the messiah of whom? The Bible equates Lucifer with Satan, which would imply that the "bearer of light" is Satan, and not Christ. Why is this obvious mistranslation in there? Is it because Satan has tampered with the Bible? Lucifer is only responsible for the creation of hybrids (nephilim). The hybrids themselves are the ones instigating worldly evils.
God created Lucifer, Lucifer created Satan, Satan created this world of evil
What do the T'selians call "God"?
T'selians refer to The Divine Creator as "ASTRUTHA" (As-loo-tha) which translates to an entire sentence, but is often truncated to "Infinite Creator" in their language Relian. As in Oriental languages, T'selians roll their "r" into a fusion of the letters "l" and "d" as Relian is a very airy and sweet-sounding language, and does not contain any hard consonants. "T'selian" is likewise pronounced as "Selian" (say-lee-in). The language T'selian is phonetically identical to the Relian language, only difference is a vocal overlay which accompanies speech, and sounds similar to singing. The T'selian language can only be crudely compared to the tongue-clicking of African languages, or the Khoomei vocalizations of the Mongolian languages.
God will respond to any name imaginable, as God has every and all names. It is the feeling behind the name which we use to resonate with God. If you are resonating with love, perfection, and peace, you are resonating with ASTRUTHA. If you are resonating with anger, aggression, or fear, you are resonating with an absence (or distortion) of ASTRUTHA.
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