Thursday, March 11, 2010

Who is the real Jesus Christ? (Part 2)

Hidden Glyphs in Language and Symbols

For whatever reason (probably for their own twisted entertainment), the deviant ones of this Earth decided to leave certain key meanings intact before they contained most every record of the previous civilizations they destroyed. 

           Now, I'm sure most of you have seen several Illuminati and Freemason codes, so I am not going to divulge in any, as these hold a different meaning from the ones commonly associated with Secret Societies. If you are interested in learning about Freemason codes, visit these links:

1.) Industry Exposed

2.) David Icke (I suspect Icke is a Freemason)

3.) Google Search of "Freemason"

          If you think Masons are the be-all end-all of Secret Societies, think again, because they aren't even the tip of the ice burg. The Illuminati created Freemasons for the sole purpose of allowing alternative thinkers to feel "satisfied with the deep understanding of their world" without truly knowing much at all. In reality, most alternative thinkers know hardly more than the average person (they also believe in just as many lies as the average person), that's how deep and profound the Hierarchy's containment of public knowledge has become. 


          Now, let's contemplate upon a certain Biblical figure from the Holy Bible (which appears to have been re-written in homage to this individual)--the mark of his name is 666, and he is otherwise known as Satan. This being, physically embodied as a serpent, is assumed to be responsible for the descent of mankind by introducing them to good and evil. According to Satan, humans were trapped in the garden of eden on Earth by Jesus Christ (the real Lucifer), and his lineage freed them from captivity. Satan is known as being a liar, a deceiver, and one with a cynical sense of humor. Now, why is the Bible the most prominent book in the world? Precisely because the deviant ones wish for us to read it and be made a fool (as opposed to seeing the truth in plain sight)...

Let's examine some everyday phonetics: 

1.) HIS

When properly pronounced the word "his" sounds very much like the hissing of a snake. Is "history" (his story or hisssss story) perhaps the Story of the Snake (Satan), and thus a gigantic lie? 

2.) He

The number 666 when written in Greek uses the Chi symbol, which is pronounced as "He He He." Satan is basically mocking God's creation by using the pronoun "He" so often. 

3.) Why is the large majority of violent crime and destruction initiated by the male sex if they were created in the image of God (who is perfectly loving and perfectly beautiful)? Is it possible that rather than tuning into God, most male bodies are engineered to tune into Satan? 

4.) Why do many men refer to their genitalia as a "snake" or "one-eyed dragon"? Did you know that prolonged exposure to male sperm cells can chemically alter the host, and have a negative impact on health? Gay males especially have the most adverse reaction to the sperm of another man (especially during anal sex). Is male sperm the potential "demon seed" spoken of in ancient texts? The male sex drive is about 10x higher than that of a female, why such a strong need to propagate their seed? Evolution tells us to "promote genetic variety" but is the female womb a portal "fallen angels" can use to enter the Earth? Remember that space is devoid of length, width, or depth and therefore can not be traversed (another reason why the "space ship from outer space" claim is untrue). One would have to either be born onto this Earth to enter it's realm, or use a sort of "instant re-location technique" (an ability none of the abominations possess).   

5.) If men did indeed inherit the seed of Satan, is this the reason why a Virgin Birth was necessary for Christ to have been born? Would male semen have tarnished him in some way? 

Is it possible men were created in the image of Satan, the Reptile-Hominid that wanted to be more human? Adam, when created by Lucifer, was a much more feminine-looking male than the average guy. It appears as though many men (and women) possess a mixture of Satan's genetics. 

Biblical Passages

"21: And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
22: And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
23: And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man."

           Here we see Satan has tampered with the Bible, and inverted the truth into an obvious lie. Common sense tells us we can only give birth to what the host body possesses itself (which is why animal-human hybrids don't fare too well). In utero development, the uterus creates very high levels of testosterone should the child develop into a male. How then, if woman came from man, is her body capable of generating high enough testosterone levels to influence the shape of his brain and bodily chemistry as a fetus and later on in life? Why are men not capable of giving birth? From our perspective, it appears as though males and females alike come forth from female bodies. Females have the necessary parts for hermaphroditic reproduction, but the body lacks knowledge of this, as males where given the information needed to project genetic information during the split. Should men desire hermaphroditic reproduction, they would need to develop another full set of organs, and then the knowledge on how to operate them. 

The Best Kept Secrets are those in Plain-View

           In many English words describing the sex of the feminine half of our species, masculine terms are embedded within them:

1. Woman (The term man is hidden inside of woman--do women have an unrevealed male counterpart inside of them? Possibly a dormant Omega chromosome?) The words "female," "her," and "Goddess" (male God hidden in a hermaphrodite) follow a similar pattern. The term "woman" also implies that man was intended to remain hidden in the female form.   

2. The extension -ess translates into "insignificant one." Many words describing female attributes are concluded with -ess. Why do you think the powers of this Earth go out of their way to preach female sub-ordination? Is it Satan's way of mocking those created in the image of the T'selians, a group of beings they greatly envy? The T'selians look female, and thus, by preaching female sub-ordination, few will welcome the advances of the T'selians (Jesus Christ) when they return for their people. Instead, many will follow the Annunaki into Hell. 

The Spirit can not Manifest

Men (spiritual function) where intended to be inside of Women (physical exterior).

          Spirit, animation, movement, and function are all invisible driving forces of our Universe, they were never intended to be materialized for that is impossible. Satan, being a mocker and a perverter of truth, when physically manifested into a human, became a male who looked as "functional" as possible, and as devoid of external features (beauty) as possible.  

           To bring this further into context, we refer to good-looking men as "handsome" (hand + some = good with his hands), again, another allusion to his functional state. Strong men also tend to have their interior muscles, veins, and bones protruding through their flesh; another illusion to somehow making the inner-workings of this world visible. Individuals who are the most corrupt and Satanic use a male form as though it were a female form, and a female spirit as though it were a male spirit. A complete inverse of usefulness into uselessness. 

Women are like the shell of an empty clock; and men are the clockwork hidden underneath it

Power was Never Meant to be Seen, but Felt

            Due to the fact that most humans can no longer feel power, they have to see it--they have become almost entirely physical, as there is no balance to this world. The male body was created for the purpose of making power a visual, as Satan, being low-level spirits, can only experience the spiritual through the physical. Large houses, jewelry, an entourage--these were all created to fill a spiritual void, the feeling of powerlessness. For as long as people associate power with material possessions instead of with the spirit, they will remain trapped in this cycle. The physical world, at best, is a visual to improve and enhance our experience, it was never intended by God to replace the spiritual world, but to work in harmony with it.   

Satan's Enmity Towards the Woman

           Lucifer is a deviant T'selian who created a number of animal-human hybrids. Lucifer mixed the genetics of numerous creatures to serve his will, upon deciding to enlist Reptile-Human hominids (the most stable of all Lucifer's experiments) into his league, they are known collectively as "Satan." The Annunaki (Satan in the human form) is the false Christ they have prepared the world to receive, and Jesus (the T'selians) is the true Christ that most people will reject.  

           Why the enmity towards women then? Let's recall that Satan had always wanted to be more like their creator, Lucifer. Lucifer, being feminine in appearance, created women in his image. This fact is thus the source of Satan's envy and hatred towards women throughout the centuries, and why they faced great oppression.  

What do you think the story of Cinderella is all about? The frog had to "kiss" a girl to become human? Sounds very much like the Original Sin. How many times have you heard children hop-scotching to this tune: "Cinderella dressed in yellow, went upstairs to kiss her fellow, by mistake she kissed a snake, how many doctors will it take? 1, 2, 3, etc."

What else can Cinderella tells us about what happens when you mate with the Snake?

"Cinderella dressed in yella, went downstairs to kiss a fella. Made a mistake and kissed a snake, how many stitches did it take?"

"Cinderella dressed in yellow, went downtown to meet her fellow (or "to buy some mustard"). On the way, her girdle busted. Cinderella was disgusted."

Her "girdle" busted? Ever watched the movie Alien?

The "chestbuster" is a vile creature from Alien that dwells within the human body like a parasite, only to explode outside the chest. Eve's offspring Cain literally tore his way out of her uterus. Doesn't the "chestbuster" actually look like a snake, too? This is the fate all women will suffer if they follow the Annunaki, the male Anti-Christ, into Hell...

Who is the Real Jesus Christ?

           Jesus Christ was crucified at the cross to prevent the blood-thirsty leeches on our planet from resorting to a mass extinction in order to sustain their own life source. Now, let's take into consideration that wars are created as possible sacrificial rituals to these beings--but, why are women not encouraged to fight in wars? Precisely because they now have a menstrual cycle. Every month, women let out a fair supply of their vital life force (blood), thus if women were to die in wars, the leeches would loose a large energy refuge. Men, however, can not release blood without the threat of death, and so the devious ones of the Earth shamelessly kill them off in arbitrary wars. 

Now, let's take a deeper look at this picture of Jesus at the Cross: 

Take note of the "halo" above Christ's head, and the cross he is nailed onto.

Now, look at the female sex symbol (the comb and hand mirror of Venus, the Morning Star): 

Doesn't it look a lot like a cross with a halo on top of it? Is the return of "Jesus Christ" possibly referring to the return of the T'selian presence on this Earth (hopefully the more positive members of their species)?


Let's examine some scripture:

Why are there two different creation stories in the Bible? For the obvious reason that there were two different creations! One by God (The Infinite One), and one by God's Son (Created in the image of Perfection). Most will attest the Bible is not to be taken literally and that it is written metaphorically, but such is said only to prevent you from seeing the rather obvious truth. 

(Genesis 1:27) So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Satan is being very clever here in the wording of the last phrase.

Most people read it like this:

"male and female, He created them."

When it is properly read as:

"He created them male and female."

Now, the term "man" is used to refer to the species as a whole. Conversely, the term "them" is used to refer to each individual member of the species. We can then conclude that only one pronoun is needed to describe the species as a whole, since they all possess the same sex (being both male and female, not male or female).  

(Seen again in Genesis 5:1) In the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created.

Again, we see "Mankind" capitalized as though it were referring to the individual, but it is referring to the whole, and therefore "them" is referred to as the individual. Lastly, a hermaphrodite has both male and female inside of them, and therefore from our perspective, we could say they were composed of two people, thus using the pronoun "them." The reality of the situation, is that men and women are actually half a person masquerading as a whole. 

Who were we created by? We were created by Lucifer, God's Son. The reason why Jesus Christ is considered the Son of God, is precisely because God directly created the T'selian species in It's image of perfection. To be created "perfect" simply means their vessel (or body) was created without blemish or imperfection, and this can only come about by having unlimited foresight. Lucifer, a finite being as are we, could not see all the infinite levels of density in which our bodies were needing improvement. It is for this reason, that humans experience sin (or, behavior that can lead to self-destruction). And the original sin made human tyranny even greater. 

Satan created the "Holy Trinity" to praise themselves as the Most High, who is purely unlimited and spiritual, and therefore can not physically manifest into a finite world of limitations. But nevertheless, humans continue to believe the Trinity is even possible.  

Take notice of the differences between how Lord-God (Lucifer) and God (The Infinite One) create:

"Then God said: "Let there be light"; and there was light"


"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man become a living being"

Essentially, God can create by thought alone (has unlimited, undivided power), whereas Lord God has to commit actions in order to create (has limited, divided power). Therefore, God created hermaphrodites in his image, and Lord God (or Lucifer) created man and woman in his image, who have power divided by two (as like Lucifer's thoughts and action). 

Lastly, God (as opposed to Lord God) made sure that every creation was good, meaning that it met the standard of perfection. Lord God failed to do so, as Lord God is incapable of meeting the standard of perfection, which is why his people continually suffered from plagues, famine, and sin. God's people, should they fall sick, would always heal from any sickness due to their perfect genetics. Ever notice that "gene" is the root word of "Genesis"? The Bible is clearly implying that two separate humans were created, and that they have different genetics. 

As the Bible implies, there are two Lucifers--the fake Christ known as the Annunaki (who falsely claim to be fallen angels); and the real Lucifer or Jesus Christ--the T'selian hermaphrodites. 

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