Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Origin of Human Life on Earth (Part 1)

The Origin of Evil (Self-destructive Behavior)

This is surely not the first time we have seen the same situations unfolding. With every cycle, the goal is to ensnare more humans into Satan's growing lineage, and lead them into their sadistic Hell pit at the center of our galaxy.  

Who is Satan, and where did they come from?

            Satan is a Reptile-Hominid species. God created the T'selians by thought alone in It's image of Perfection, and the T'selians then created Satan (amidst other hominids) in the image of their human form. T'selians are the original hominid species, all others were created through various genetic experiments. Satan is unique from other hominids in that they (as a whole) are well-known for being intensely malevolent, as well as having great intent to pervert every and all truths. The humans of Earth are unique in that we, more so than any other hominid, share a very similar image to the T'selians. Due to this alone, those who return to Heaven will be fully activated as one of them. Satan, being envious of this fact, felt a great desire to be more human-like, and thus intervened in Lucifer's scientific experiments on Earth.     

            The main scientist responsible for the creation of Satan (and humanity) is referred to as Lucifer throughout biblical texts. Lucifer made a compromise with Satan stating that all Satan's malevolent deeds must be expressed to the public in some degree, to give humans a chance to salvation. It is for this reason that the media reveals Freemasonry's symbols and future plans through music and television, so that according to Lucifer's will, those who are wise will research these symbols and their history to further understand Satan's goal for humanity. Those who fail to connect the dots, however, will likely follow Satan into Hell.    

Who are the T'selians?

           T'selians are the physical manifestation of God's word when It created a hominid species in the Time-Space Continuum (Creation). Their physical form is without conceivable flaw or error, distinctly feminine in appearance, and hermaphroditic. T'selians are also perfectly immortal, highly intelligent (but never as all-knowing as God Itself), and athletic. Each individual is within the boundaries of perfection and positivity, but never 100% perfect and positive (for that is a status possessed by the Infinite One alone). Reference this post for more on boundaries. 

How Did Satan Disrupt Lucifer's Experiment?

            Lucifer descended from Heaven to the Earth for provoking havoc in T'sela; due to both her violent creations and the foolish hierarchies she attempted to create. Her creation Satan was forced to leave Heaven or face immanent destruction, and they followed their creator Lucifer. Before Lucifer fell to Earth, she gathered genetic copies of several creatures on T'sela, and replenished the Earth with them. Our planet was once a barren rock in space before Lucifer's arrival. 

            Now that the Earth was teeming with life, Lucifer used her own genetics to create a new lineage of humans on the Earth; they were to worship and praise her, for she was their "god" or "creator." The new humans were to satisfy Lucifer's ego (which she hoped to achieve in Heaven, but they would not tolerate her foolishness). Satan, however, grew very envious of the new humans for they greatly resembled their creator more so than themselves. Satan then had a great desire to become human (woman), and lured the new humans into mating. 

            The "original sin" refers to when Eve (the new human) mated with Satan (the tree of knowledge of good and evil). Satan transformed itself into a more appealing creature, and tempted the two. Eve was now tainted by Satan's genetics, and bore Cain. Cain's lineage is essentially Satan in human form (otherwise known as the Annunaki or Pledians). Lucifer was obviously very distraught by the inter-breeding of their genetics, knowing that one needed to be very mindful when creating hybrids in order to produce healthy offspring--and Reptile-Hominid and human genetics were never intended to mix. 

            All humans following Eve now have less of their genetics activated, which is why we suffer from famine, death, and terminating illnesses. Satan revolted against Lucifer for they were punished greatly for their deed (they became the reptiles of our ecosystem). Those of Satan who evaded punishment, now free from the watchful gaze of Heaven, created mayhem in the stars. Black Holes (Suns of Perdition) became the new home-world for Satan (Sons of Perdition). Lucifer fled the Earth temporarily to gather-up her rambunctious creation, and in the mean-time, Satan has been up to no-good on the Earth (though they have at least been following their compromise).       

Procession of the Equinoxes

Satan created a black hole which omits a powerful gamma ray burst in alignment with our solar system. If the Earth continues to sink any further along the galactic plane, it will intercept the gamma ray and be destroyed. The New Age (invented by Satan) has cleverly covered-up this truth, and mislead those into believing the Age of Aquarius will come, and that ascension will occur as the Earth intervenes with the Black Hole.  

The Return of Quetzalcoatl: Satan and their death star

The Return of Christ: T'selians and the rapture to T'sela

Contrary to popular belief, while Black Holes have an acceleration of gravity that exceeds the speed of light, light itself is not the fastest constant in the Universe (God is the fastest constant in all the Universe). The are many other Universal forces which exceed the speed of light, and have yet to be discovered by humanity. While the Black Hole itself is a very inhospitable environment to most lifeforms, the leagues of Satan have managed to live on the surface of the Black Hole. Likewise, Black Holes are not truly "holes" so much as a continually shrinking rock, and they do have a hardened surface.

What is The Higgs Boson?

The Satan spawn that were thrown into "the pit" became flattened 2-D lifeforms. Since the force of gravity is so strong in a Black Hole, they are literally squashed like pancakes onto the surface of the shrinking rock. The "flat-liners" of theoretical physics that supposedly lie within the second dimension are indeed Satan themselves. These are the beings the CERN LHC are attempting to resurrect. The Higgs Boson ("the god particle") is essentially their God--Satan crushed to the size of a minuscule particle. 

The Lake of Fire

When a Black Hole shrinks to the point where a perceived absence of God is encountered "death" occurs (or, having only one experience--existence). It is from this point of perceived inertia that God can re-create those trapped within. On Judgment Day, Lucifer will cast many Satan spawn (and those who share a great abundance of their genetics) into the Black Hole to be born anew. Those fortunate enough to have descended from cleaner bloodlines will be accepted into Heaven, where all their wounds will be healed. 


Overview of Lucifer's Experiment

Words striked-through are lies propagated in past cycles by Satan, who wishes to keep humans as ignorant as possible without breaching their pact with Lucifer. Words in red are lies and excuses created by "Higher T'selians" to perpetually deactivate genes of the "Lower T'selians" through virulent medication and prescriptions. There are no true distinctions between either of the two T'selians whatsoever aside from color hierarchies created by Lucifer (and other unnamed deviants). In reality, the Higher T'selians, Lower T'selians, and humans all share the same collective mind2 (which is why angels can hear our thoughts and prayers). 

            Approximately 50,000 years ago, in a parallel Universe, a team of independent scientists from the species homo Dominian ("Higher T'selian") conducted an experiment involving the creation of polarities. As projected, the division of a dual life force would introduce greater instability into the environment as opposed to coming directly from the Source1 (though it is a known impossibility for the Source to create polarities), and so, numerous precautions and oversights were administered. However, the team of scientists failed to realize the severity of the artificial polarity until the situation grew beyond the control of a third-rate lab facility. Because of the gene-slicing event, there was a catastrophic impact on Civilization's second-most dominant social unit, namely, the homo Vindicutus ("Lower T'selian") species.


            In more specific terms, the initial goal of the HD (homo Dominian) scientists was to study the quality of perception a polar being experiences. Polar beings tend to perceive the world in terms of: wrong vs right, up vs down, black vs white, light vs dark; often over-looking the gray-scale continuum. The new polar species, upon creation, would be used to communicate with other polar species exhibiting the same schizoid mentality. It was assumed the new polar species would become independent, develop it's own collective mind2 and detach itself from the HV (much how a child matures and detaches himself from his mother).


            From a cultural perspective, the HV species, due to their debatable lower intellect, served as proverbial “guinea pigs” in numerous HD experiments. In fact, the HV species was “created” for three primary purposes—1) to expand the genetic phenotype of the HD species, 2) to complete the level of work most HD find tedious, yet HV manage to find somewhat challenging (thus improving the quality of work since HVs were engaged in the activity), and 3) to serve as a means of understanding the HD species themselves (often through experimental situations), much like studying one's complexion in the mirror. It was decided a member of the HV species would undergo the experiment. The chosen HV specimen had been detained for committing a host of petty crimes, and was more than eager to leave captivity and enter Earth. 


            The experiment was first conducted on an individual HV specimen on a location great in distance from their home world (a series of 12 planets orbiting one another, known collectively as “T'sela” in the HV language “Relian”). It was assumed the great distance would hinder most disruptions in the Collective Mind of the HV species should any imbalances occur. The test subject was mentally detached from most HV inhabitants due to recent personal losses, and thus the ideal subject, as it was believed this individual could have only a minute impact on the collective mind. From a less objective standpoint, it was rumored this individual's many "afflictions" were all a facade and the specimen was indeed a known criminal, and thus ethics became a major factor in the experiment. The issue of morality caused many to abandon the project, though enough maintained interest for it to continue. The off-world location 0f the polar beings also would not impede the development of HD civilizations should their creation became overtly violent or destructive in nature. Most importantly, T'sela's torsion waves are very adverse to polarities and would have healed any genetic mutations as they arose, which obviously would have thwarted the entire experiment. 


            The highest life-form on the planet was the Chimpanzee3; hominid creatures did not previously exist. The scientists made a clone of the HV specimen and deactivated much of the clone's biology into the modern woman; she was to accompany and be nurtured by the HV specimen throughout the experiment. The study concerning her perception of the world was indeed successful, and much was learned of polar perception. The twins were kept in captivity on the Earth and urged to increase their numbers.

           When the woman transgressed and mated with the Reptile-Hominid, even more genes were deactivated and the male sex was created. Birth now permanently split the genetic fabric of succeeding children into halves—male or female. The term “splitting” simply implies that certain chromosomal patterns were kept dormant during pregnancy according to which lesser sex was created.

            A host of malevolent species soon sought the lesser humans as prey for their ulterior needs, and the HD had no choice but to retreat from the Earth temporarily to avoid any global catastrophes. The twins were also escorted off the planet, and their offspring became the new lineage of humankind.  



Take notice of the larger chromosomes, they are referred to as “Omega” chromosomes because they give the HD/HV a deeper connection to the Source than most humans experience. Abilities considered “supernatural” are also acquired through activation of these chromosomes. The Roman Numerals "V" and "X" were inspired by the shape of these chromosomes. Lucifer has three X chromosomes; the reason Satan often mimics this letter pattern. 

Sprayer: One who by default, projects genetic material in a fashion similar to the human male.

Ovulater: One who by default, receives genetic material in a fashion similar to the human female.

             However, both sprayers and ovulators can change their reproductive strategy at will, requiring 24 hours for the transition to complete. There are no physical or psychological differences between the two, the only difference being how their individual parts are functioning at the moment. The right gonad creates gametes for ovulation, and the left gonad creates gametes for spraying. 

            The human male Y chromosome is actually a very small fragment of the Omega chromosome. It is due to this fact that throughout history males have contributed more to society. The Y chromosome is also the source of their greater physical strength and social independence over the human female. However, the Y chromosome is on the verge of becoming a “genetic wasteland” if it continues to shrink in size—it's power would no longer be of any use in a Universe of this scale. 

            The human female adopted the two X chromosomes. These two chromosomes give females the physical appearance of the HD/HV, and thus the inheritance of their aesthetic appeal and beauty. Human females also tend to be more genetically stable, as the Omega chromosome needs two XX pairs in order to prevent shrinking, deformation, and other anomalies from occurring. Human females also have an Omega chromosome, but it is seemingly non-existent.  


           As more HV specimens produced offspring who underwent the division, the collective mind of the new polar species became more thoroughly attached to the HV mind. This proved very problematic, as any contradictions within the collective mind could prove adverse to a balanced maintenance of the species. The HS, being polar, introduced unyielded chaos and disharmony onto it's planet. While the HD and HV do regularly exhibit violence, jealously, rage, and other negative emotions, unlike the polar species, these emotions are always balanced with love, camaraderie, and reverence, thus maintaining balance within the species. 

            The absence of balance within the polar species introduced cycled development, where the termination and the restoration of the cycle are unified. The issue with such is that it limited the growth of the species to only it's current existence, as opposed to maintaining it's current existence and expanding upon it. Only in a cycle of experience can death be introduced into a specie's development. Thus, the polar humans created birth, maintenance, and death cycles due to their negative energy patterns and inability to learn from past mistakes; and as the two species shared the same collective mind, the HV were also subject to this cycle in varying degrees—those who were currently exhibiting a thought-pattern more similar to the HS were more heavily affected than those who exhibited a thought-pattern more similar to the HD. However, not all HV were affected as some were left perfectly intact, but the fortunate were few. As previously stated, all HV maintain balance throughout life, thus it was only those enduring a struggle incidentally as these experiments were conducted who were affected. It is rumored beings of a negative persuasion were orchestrating these struggles so their individual life source can be preyed upon, which contributed further to the descent of the HV. 

           Prior to the experiment, the HV species experienced an open wave-length of experience including only birth and maintenance. Somewhat fortunately, the human cycles created predictable events (as opposed to new outcomes), which allowed the HD to prepare for any HV mutations. Both the HD and HV alike are capable of changing one's energy field in a manner similar to “shape-shifting." When one changes form, one also changes function, and extreme amounts of human negativity could upset an HV enough to undergo a violent change in temperament and physical appearance. This led to many quarantines of the HV species, until the HD altered HV DNA so that it's shape-shifting abilities remained dormant. As humans continued to worsen in their development, increasing amounts of HV abilities were deactivated (via constant medication) until only their higher intellect and hermaphroditic reproduction could remain. HV lifespans were seemingly cut-short by insinuating that death would occur after 200 years of age, and they must portal into the womb to salvage themselves (and thus be "re-born" as a child4). It is foolishness of this caliber which forced Lucifer and her minions to be deported from T'sela.  


           What caused the HD scientists to hopefully conclude this fiasco in our Universe now? First and foremost, the HD scientists could not continue to study the effects of the division due to ethical concerns raised on a galactic level. A heated war launched on T'sela upon the suggestion of various HD/HV political groups, desperate for media attention, to annihilate the Earth and it's creatures in hopes of amending the issue. The war ended with a permanent barricade established by neighboring worlds preventing the HD/HV species from further interaction on Earth. 

           It had become apparent they needed to further investigate covertly disguised as humans. Humans, more so than any other life-form, are extremely difficult to shape-shift into since our appearances are similar enough to overlook minor detail. The most successful means of doing so, would be to enter the Earth through the womb of a human, and later re-activate one's self when the proper moment arose. 

             However, the HD scientists soon realized only T'sela could re-activate dormant DNA, and a rapture was necessary. The elders5 had forewarned against the experiment yet the scientists, in such a fury to achieve their goal, held disregard for their judgment. It was decided this event would become a learning lesson, and thus the elders withheld all knowledge of how to improve the situation, stating only that “the answer is in process of revealing itself.” The solution to this riddle, the scientists eventually realized, is a planetary ascension process, through which the Source would activate all dormant DNA.

            The new humans were created for the sole purpose of wielding a power unseen on T'sela. Deviant T'selians had once immersed themselves in human population and were worshiped as demi-gods, though they retreated once Satan had grown into further reaches of the galaxy in pursuit of them. The multitudes of Satan on Earth realized this was their window of opportunity to decieve the whole world into worshiping them as our creators. Satan destroyed all evidence of the T'selians from previous cycles, and distorted the truth so that the Annunaki (Satan in the human form) would be received by the public as the creators of humanity. You could almost say we entered into a “parallel Universe” the similarities are so striking between our current circumstance, and the era that pre-dated it. Incidentally, those who had initiated a foolish hierarchy on T'sela realized they could further HV submission by creating global incidents on Earth which could later be used as excuses to deactivate more of their DNA. 


There are other specific factors in their decision to visit this Universe re-visit the new Earth:

1). Their HS (homo Sapien) species is virtually identical in it's development to the HS of our Universe time period. There are currently T'selians populating our planet, co-habiting seamlessly within all human backgrounds. However, the HD species is not inhabiting the Earth for they haven't any faulty genetics to heal in addition to having a very distinct Eurasian facial appearance which could not allow seamless co-existence in our environment. Furthermore, many HD have their own ulterior motives for visiting this Earth which could possibly thwart the experiment. While the underline statements are true, these are not the real reasons why the HD choose not to return yet.

2). Our Universes both share an immediate common history. Universes are birthed by preceding Universes, much how humans are created by other humans. While this is not always the case, it is the most natural development of a branching Universe. When the HV specimen's genetic fabric was split, an infinite number of alternate Universes were born. This happens for every decision we make in life, irregardless of magnitude. As there is no linear fashion to the growth of a Universe, their Universe had once proceeded ours but the two now share an intertwining history which finally bridges the two together, as implied by the elders' riddle. Both the future and the past are subject to expansion, and what we perceive as the past is simply the precedence to our own individual entrance into a time-line. We happen to live in the Universe where fallen humans are not the product of HV gene splicing, but as the result of infantile rebellion from the Source's intentions.

3). The only major exceptions between the two Earths is the non-presence of the HD and HV species, and the unfolding of events leading into the future. This Earth is heading in the direction of a false ascension process which will re-activate dormant genetics render most of the Earth's inhabitants to zombified slaves, due to Satan's chipping devices. However, the HV gene splicing event created a unique moment in history in which the HD species chose to work out of alignment with the Source. For the first time in their actualized history, the HD species was forced to leave their native Universe to satisfy a need within it. This violated a Universal law and thus created an immense imbalance which led to the descent of the HV. The elders in their shining optimism view this moment as a great learning experience for their species, as they now truly understand the repercussions that come with disrupting order and balance, and can now better communicate with the polar beings who regularly do so. In it's entirety, the experiment was successful beyond measure due to this first-hand experience, and the reason why the elders did not immediately obstruct it from coming into fruition. This is surely not the first time in their history such an event has occurred.

4). Finally, another benefit is that the humans in this Universe do not share a collective mind with the HV currently residing on our planet, and therefore would not interfere with the ascension process.  


The HD elders, due to their intimate connection with the Source, realized that multiple goals can be achieved by re-entering this Universe:

1. The HV species fell pray to HS polarity-induced imbalances due to its lack of elders within their Collective Mind. The HV of this Earth who manage to develop a deeper connection to the Source, despite all the tomfoolery attempting to lead them astray, will mature into the mental state of an elder, and therefore purify all anomalies within the hive mind upon re-entrance to their native Universe T'sela. At any given moment there need to be at least 1 HV elder per 1,000 HV to ensure true immortality and immunity to outside perturbations (which are great and many in their line of work). As there are 30 trillion HV in total, there are currently +30 billion undergoing individual ascension processes on neighboring Universes

The true reason for their return is to hopefully annihilate the negative entities on the Earth, and to re-activiate the DNA of the people they created in their image. A very large percentage of the Earth's human population possess a demon spirit, and they too will be destroyed (so that God, the Infinite One, can re-create them in his image of perfection).    


            In reality, this world has become a perverse, self-glorification center run by a cluster of negative entities (Satan, the Annunaki, the Greys) pretending to be the T'selian species. Satan, being negative in nature, enjoys draining vital energy from Earth's creatures in order to sustain their own life force, which in addition to faulty genetics, is another cause of humanity's short lifespan. 


1: The Source is also known as the Infinite One, the Supreme Creator, and the Divine Architect; the Perfectly Positive Being who gave birth to our consciousness; and gave us free will, purpose, and spirit (animation and life). Contrary to New Age beliefs, this Being has always had an identity distinct from our own, and predates the existence of us all. The HD do not claim to be “one” with all of creation. The concept of “oneness” was actually created with the cruel intent to allow innocent humans to openly trust the advances of negative entities, while under the illusion that we are all the same individual, and in a perverted sense, they are only being harmed by one's own self.

2: The Collective Mind is basically telepathic communication amongst a group of individuals, this is initiated by free will, and is not a default condition of their species. In the Collective Mind, individual thoughts could be shared throughout the group. Humans, at the time, were projecting a very large amount of negative thoughts, which obviously traumatized and enraged those receiving them. The benefit of the Collective Mind is that it acts as a GPS system--if you are lost, simply project a visual of your location to other members, and the more who share the same Collective Mind, the greater your chances are of being found. Telephones and the Internet are thus obsolete in HD/HV society, and used solely for the purpose of sheer entertainment from using an "electronic toy." Satan's chipping devices seek to mimic the collective mind of the T'selians. 

3: The Bonobos, another prime mate species, were created years later to propagate the lie that the HD/HV adopted their evolutionary lineage and mating habits from these creatures. Humans, conversely, were claimed to have shared their heritage with the Chimpanzee (also a lie). Chimpanzees, and most animals amongst this planet, were also created from gene splicing events, and are an artificial species.  

4: To be "re-born" from their perspective simply means to enter the womb and become a child again. There is no lapse in consciousness, and the being still exists in a body of lesser density while waiting for the pregnancy to complete (though one can enter and leave the womb at will throughout the pregnancy). Children have the mental maturity of an adult (although T'selian adults are rather playful themselves), and retain all previous memories, as they are still in the same exact body God had given them. The advantage to being "re-born" is they can have a new experience, quickly re-gather molecules and atoms that had exploded, or take on a new appearance or personality traits. Likewise, the child could also choose to carry on the current physical appearance or personality into birth. Being "re-born" is not necessary, and is done by will alone, but it is the primary method of traveling immense distances in the Universe (even from their perspective). The womb of a T'selian is different from the womb of a human in that it acts as a portal or transportation device. Life is not created in the T'selian womb, as they are all created in God's womb first.  

5: The Elders. In their species, the elders are those who were created by God's word directly after Time and Space came into existence. They were to bear witness to the process of creation, and tell all others how God created the Universe. Before light, darkness, and physical laws were created, God created the elders first. The Bible begins with "Let there be Light" which is the first words heard by the elders. The elders never heard the words used by God to create Time or to create them, but God revealed It's Will to them afterward. From the perspective of the elders, the Universe was created in Seven Days (or periods of development). From the perspective of God, the Universe was created instantaneously (outside the time-space continuum). 

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