Monday, March 29, 2010

What's the Relation Between Christ and God? (Part 10)

God is the God of All, and Christ is the god of all

To recall previous posts; the Imaginary World of unlimited freedom proceeds the finite world of rules and limitation. The God of the Imaginary World will always be more powerful than the god of the real world. 

          First, notice the difference in capitalization within the post title; the imaginary world our real world lies within will always precede and be grander. God (the Infinite One) is active in the future and the past (the imaginary world). Christ (a finite one) is active in the present (the real world). 

Let's See a Visual:

Let's represent the finite world with a circle (boundary). Notice how God's world has no lines or boundaries, and likewise, God can filter portions of It's Infinite Self into our world as well.

          Christ's name comes before all in power, yes? But only in the real world. God's name has an infinite chain of perfect letters in it, and will always be greater than any and all names. But we conceptualize and name this Great Being as "God" "The Creator" or "The All." God's message to us will only be as perfect as we are; and we will always distort God's message in some way since we are individuals who are distinct from God. Christ, however, is unique in that they will always receive God's message more perfectly intact than anyone else in Creation. Christ is the most perfect creation, but not 100% perfect like God.  

          Christ is the god of the finite world, but not the God of All of Eternity. God created Christ with the intention of ensuring that It's creation is not destroyed by negative beings. God gave us all freewill, and the time-space continuum (creation) is God's gift to us. God has a laissez-faire approach to our world since it is our gift (God doesn't want to play with our gift for us), and deemed it better that It created a race of perfect Christs to protect our world instead.

God creates the world and it's characters, and we act it out. God enjoys watching us, and intervenes through our dreams and imaginations. God has It's own source of entertainment outside the time-space continuum that It finds more amusing.   

          Christ has the most power and influence in all of the real world, but God, being of the infinite imaginary world, will always be a step ahead of Christ. Since Christ is first in line in the finite world, Christ therefore takes orders directly from God. We as mortal humans who have lost our connection with God, need someone like Christ to usher us in the right direction, which is why God created Christ--to help the fallen find the right path. Human beings share the same genetic potential as Christ, but most humans will unfortunately never actualize this potential...

Differences and Similarities:

1.) Christ is (always will be) our God, but Christ is not the God of Eternity. 

2.) It is in God's Unchanging Will that Christ will always be the most powerful being in the real world.

3.) Christ and God are two separate beings. 

4.) God is infinite and comes first before all, Christ is finite and comes first before other created beings.  

5.) God has proceeded Christ, and Christ has proceeded us. 

6.) God created Christ, and Christ created us.

7.) God does not change, but Christ does change.

8.) We are to love and honor God, and Christ will lead us in the direction of God

9.) God is one person, Christ is a collection of divine lifeforms who were created by God.

"Is God Dead?"

          You would be amazed by how many New Agers (the babbling non-sense speaking "whores" of Babylon) have proclaimed that God is dead since It does not change. The truth of the matter is that we look dead to God! Indeed, beings who are imperfect and are constantly changing and expanding look very much dead to God. However, God being All-Knowing understands fully that we and God are simply just opposites. We (beings who are finite and change) look dead to God, and God (a being who is infinite and doesn't change) looks dead to us. 

          Here's the reason why: If we were to stop changing, we would indeed die, because we have left the space-time continuum into the realm of infinity (a place we could never comprehend), and returned to a state of mere existence. If God were to suddenly start changing it would mean that God is no longer infinite! There is nothing more horrifying to God than becoming one of us, because all of anything would disappear forever. We (including God) are all very thankful that God, being infinite, does not change. God is very much alive, and when you can receive God's message as intact as possible in time and space, you will understand these great truths as well.

How is it that we can understand God if God is Infinite?

           To claim that God can not be understand is an insult to God's intelligence--don't you think the Infinite Creator can find a way to explain Itself to us? Indeed, imagine the number 0 on a number line. To quote a previous post:

"The reason why you can not multiply 0 by any number is because it is infinite! 2 x 0 is still 0, much as 2 x infinity is still infinity. Nothing can be added onto or taken away from infinity, that is the reason why this number is indeterminate. The unique aspect of the number zero (since it is the perceived absence of infinity), is that we can seemingly add onto it. We can add 2 + 0 = 2. The only reason this is possible, is because we're not truly adding any value onto the number 0, but simply extracting a 2 into the finite number line. Now recall how God's imaginary world and our real world interact again. When writing a book, we are not creating anything new, but simply picking and choosing different parts of infinity to combine together, and bring into the finite world."

Now, if we can extract numbers out of the stationary zero-point--don't you think an understanding of God can be extracted out as well? Of course, it will be in finite amounts, but the longer you've been around in this Universe, the better your understanding will be. Christ was created first, and therefore has the best understanding.  

Differences Between How God and We Create:

God uses the blue arrow (the blue shift that keeps coming closer), we use the red arrow (the red shift that keeps moving away).

We all start from zero and work our way outwards, step by step. God however, starts from infinity, a place outside the time-space continuum, and works It's way inwards. God created the zero-point precisely so that we can have a foundation, since positive and negative infinity keeps moving further and further away from us and we can never catch up to it. The zero-point does not change, it remains stationary, which is indeed why we can always keep coming back to it and extract more into our real number line. God does not change because It is perfect and doesn't need to, but God can create change by thought alone.   

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Who Will Follow Satan into Hell? (Part 9)

Lucifer means "bearer of light" and is not the Devil, they are two separate entities. Satan (Reptile-Hominids in the form of man, Cain's bloodline) want us to believe they are angels like Lucifer, but the truth is they were never angels, and are in fact abominations who will pretend to be Lucifer. A fallen angel will still look like an angel (a ball that falls off a shelf still looks like a ball). The abominations do not resemble angels, and therefore never were... 

Lucifer/Jesus are hermaphrodites who look female, and are returning to the Earth to purge the Anunnaki and salvage their people (us)

Satan looks like this:

Surprised? The God of Christianity is the Nordic Giants/Pledians/Annunaki. If you see this face, I recommend you flee as quickly as possible--this man will lead you straight into Hell.

What are the Qualifications for Judgment Day?

Simply, that your genetics be clean enough to co-habitat in Heaven. People with clean genetics are not perfect (neither is Lucifer or anyone other than God), but they are more positive than negative in their behavior. Simply pretending to be a good person (when your genes say otherwise) will not qualify you a place in Heaven, which is why Calvinists believe your fate has already been chosen, and indeed, your fate was decided at conception when your genes were created. The Annunaki and all sharing their bloodline have very tainted genetics, and must be destroyed. We as humans have clean enough genetics to enter Heaven, but we must use our free-will wisely...

Who Will Likely End up Following Satan into Hell?

In short, those who have more of Cain's blood than Eve's blood. Recall that Cain is Satan in the human form, the offspring of Eve and Satan's mating (the original sin). Lucifer will not force you to go to a certain place--you will use your own freewill to decide if you go to Heaven or Hell, based on your actions and who you follow in life. If you follow Satan (man) rather than the Infinite One via your intuition, you will only lead yourself into doom. 

Satan is a Canaanite, and if you are behaving like the Canaanites, you must want Satan to be your leader (hence why Canaanites go to Hell, Satan's home-world, instead of Heaven, Christ's home-world). What are these self-destructive Canaanites like? 

1.)  Canaanites are sexually immoral brutes who can not control their sex drive. Those who engage in sodomy or oral sex, mate with non-human lifeforms, have multiple sex partners without the intent of a heart-felt relationship, and those who have sex with others against their will, have a seat reserved for them in Hell. Those who choose to be celibate or remain virgins, more so than anyone else, have the strongest willpower and the cleanest genetics. Homosexuality will not be a criteria on judgment day, as this behavior was inherited from the hermaphrodites themselves (who are mono-gendered). In fact, heterosexuality is a genetic defect, since we were all intended by God to be hermaphrodites. However, those who engage in sodomy will be very harshly punished not in Hell, but on the Earth, as several life-threatening diseases have come forth from sodomy. Aside from rape, sodomy is the most detestable sex act, as it can only do harm when a man inserts his creative center into a waste fill; it propagates many illnesses which are later spread to the innocent public. Immoral sexual behavior, more-so than anything else, will be punished harshly on Earth (not in Hell) for it is what caused humanity's descent in the first place (the original sin). Only rapists, pedophiles, and sadists will be tortured in Hell. The other sexually immoral brutes will simply rot in the grave forever, and will not receive immortal life, as they have distanced themselves from God. 

Lucifer is trying to be patient with us all, but Lucifer is not God (who has perfect patience), and therefore this patience is wearing thin. If you are constantly being violent and negative, Lucifer will return you the favor in Hell.

2.) Those who carve an image of God, or assert other finite beings before God. This category includes Atheists, Polytheists, Pantheists, New Agers, Christians who support the Trinity, Animists, Pagans, and Idolists. God is infinite and therefore can not be seen by eyes other than It's own. Carving an image of God only distances yourself from receiving God's message. Most humans are guilty of this offense, and therefore may lead themselves into damnation since they can not hear God's wisdom. When you can feel God's omniscient power and presence, you are using your intuition, and therefore have a closer connection to God. People who have had supernatural experiences are more spiritually evolved than those who adamantly rebuke the thought of spirituality. 

3.) Those who kill for sport. In the times of Noah, it became necessary for humans to eat other animals to sustain their life source. Should you wound an animal for anything other than self-defense or sustenance, you have committed a major transgression. Serial killers, criminals, those who cruelly mistreat animals on their deathbed, and those who instigate wars will be severely punished in Hell. What comes around, goes around... 

4.) Those who value pleasure over their own health. If you smoke, consume recreational drugs, or bungee-jump off major cliff-slides; you have made Lucifer very aware that you do not appreciate life and are better off destroyed. Consider the millions of lifeforms in a human body who want to live; by jeopardizing your own health, you are also jeopardizing the health of all the other souls dwelling within your body. Self-destructive behavior will not be punished any lighter than destroying another. When one commits suicide millions of cells die, and the family of the deceased suffer emotionally, hence why this act is so detestable. 

5.) Those who receive Satan's mark will be immediately cast into the Lake of Fire, no exceptions made. Satan's mark will turn all into ravenous beasts, no matter how clean one's genetics are. Obama's health-care plan is in process of requiring all to receive implants under one's skin, should you receive this mark, there can be no salvation for you of any kind. It is best to pay whatever fines necessary (or vacate the country) if pressured to do so. The Great Tribulation will ensue as increasing numbers upgrade their health-care plan to receive this chipping device.

All bearing the chip will be brainwashed into accepting all of Satan's advances, and will agree to open the gates of Hell. May you find God before this happens... 


Who Will Probably Go to Heaven? 

Those who have clean genetics and are overall "good" people at heart will likely enter the gates of heaven and become T'selians. If a known Canaanite truthfully strives to improve upon their habits, they will be allowed to enter heaven. They will of course be under special observation, but nevertheless, Lucifer will reserve an isolated place for them. 

How Do We Get to Heaven?

There is only one way to get to Heaven--to follow God. God is the Alpha and the Omega. God comes first, we are second, and God is last. All decisions should begin and end with God.

Most humans have overwhelming amounts of Satan's genetics in their blood, and therefore can not hear God's word without tainting and distorting it. Most humans need to work through finite beings in order to finally find the Infinite One. It is for this reason, that most will need to learn from the T'selians that God sent to this Earth to assist in finding God's voice within you. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Why Freemasons Love Numbers 0,3,6,9 (Part 8)

"Infinity looks Black or White to Finite Eyes"

Let's recall that we as finite beings can not understand true infinity, and it is for this reason, that we can experience a perceived absence of God (despite God being omnipresent). Let's now examine the colors associated with Infinity: black and white, and the numbers 1,0,3,6,9. 

The Masonic Chess Board

Take note of the Black and White tiles

Now, any textbook regarding the ROYGBIV color spectrum of human eyesight can tell us that the color white is the perceived absence of all colors, and the color black is the summation of all colors. This means that the color white and the color black contain an infinite amount of different colors. Black and White are essentially the same force, or God in his full infinite glory, which is why Masons are so obsessed with contrast--contrast represents the boundaries of finite vision. 

In conclusion, the color white is reflecting all infinite colors, and the color black is absorbing all infinite colors. Both colors are infinite in their content. We can only see finite variations of these two colors (such as red, green, blue) without distorting them into Black and White. 

Look at this Line Graph:

Let's say that the number 10 (ultimate summation) represents infinity. The number 0 (or the perceived absence of infinity) is also truly infinite in nature. Let's also say that -10 represents negative infinity (absorption of infinity). 10, 0, and -10 are all infinite, but appear different to finite eyes. 

The reason why you can not multiply 0 by any number is because it is infinite! 2 x 0 is still 0, much as 2 x infinity is still infinity. Nothing can be added onto or taken away from infinity, that is the reason why this number is indeterminate. The unique aspect of the number zero (since it is the perceived absence of infinity), is that we can seemingly add onto it. We can add 2 + 0 = 2. The only reason this is possible, is because we're not truly adding any value onto the number 0, but simply extracting a 2 into the finite number line. Now recall how God's imaginary world and our real world interact again. When writing a book, we are not creating anything new, but simply picking and choosing different parts of infinity to combine together, and bring into the finite world. 

Remember how we said the color white (o) reflects, and the color black (infinity) absorbs? This is the reason why we enter the Time-Space Continuum in a white light (white hole), and leave it in a black light (black hole).

Quick Note: the number "10" translates into "infinite one." Notice, it has a "1" (one) and a "0" (infinity). The number 10 is God's number. In Roman Numerals, the letter "X" represents the number 10. Any individual standing in an X-formation is blatantly proclaiming that he or she is God, which is blasphemy...

...Continuing on now...

Since God is omnipresent, God can also be found in-between the numbers 10, 0 and -10. Here's the reason why Masons love the numbers 3 and 9:

If I divide the number 10 by the number 3, I have: 3.3333333333

If I divide the number 10 by the number 9, I have: 1.111111111111

See the pattern? 

All these non-terminating decimals represent the infinity found within the finite world, as they are unending, and will continue to repeat themselves forever. These finite numbers (3 and 9) are yet eternal, because God never leaves beings who are marked by the number 3 or 9. God's children (Christ) are finite beings who can never leave the glory of God, and this is who Freemasons aspire to become. Contrary to popular belief, masons are not trying to become God, but God's perfect children. Freemasons, so blinded with envy-based hatred of God's children, will not only decieve as many of us as possible, but they will also refuse Christ's invitation to become one of God's children when they return!  

Now look at the number 6:

If I divide the number 10 by the number 6, I have: 1.66666667

When God enters beings marked by the number 6, God leaves when it rounds into 7. The number 6 is not eternal. Six is also the number of man, which is why we experience death and famine. In Genesis, God created the world in six days, and rested on the seventh. God is essentially resting after the completion of the number 6 (it's no longer infinite), because those marked by the number six have distanced themselves from God. 

The number 6 represents the goal of freemasonry, to be "God of the Earth" by distancing the public from the real God (who is seemingly "at rest" in the modern world). The Freemasons want us to believe that God can become a man (Jesus Christ), when the truth of the matter is that the Anti-Christ is a man simply pretending to be God. The Real Christ will claim only to be God's word, they will not claim to be God. Likewise, God's children are the ones who created the humans that we are. 

So what is God's number? The number 10

God's people are marked by which numbers? 3 and 9

Satan's people are marked by which numbers? 2, 4, 6 (but 6 most importantly)

Look at your birth-date. What numbers are you marked by? Is it all God's numbers? Or do you have Satan's number? Or a fusion of both? Neither? Birth-dates are only a minute indication of who you are, so don't be alarmed if you have a 6 in your date! There are many more ways to be marked by God (or Satan's) number than only your birth-date. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What Creates a Percieved Absence of God? (Part 7)

"The 'God Sandwich' Explained"

God is our only true opposite, and we are God's only true opposite. As is known, similarities are needed for opposites to exist, so we likewise have more in common with God, than anyone else. The Yin-Yang symbol, in reality, displays our differences and similarities with God, but Eastern Thought has managed to replace God with man. 

The Infinite One (God): Infinite Actuality; Finite Potential

The Infinite Number of Ones (us): Infinite Possibility; Finite Actuality

Let's further examine our relation with God:

1.) We have to experience infinity step by step in order to have life, and therefore need to be bound by the limits of time and space. Outside of the time-space continuum, we were existing as wasted potential, solely existing. God, conversely, needs to experience all steps in order to have life, and therefore can not exist within the boundaries of the time-space continuum (another reason why Jesus Christ is not God, but God's creation. We are then Jesus' creation). 

2.) To us, eternal stillness equates to death (distance from infinity). To God, change and advancement equates to death (no longer being infinite). 

3.) There is only one infinite God, whereas there are an infinite number of finite beings. God has undivided power, and does not share It's power between three persons (as in the Christian Trinity), or with 300 persons (as in Hinduism). These are all ploys created by Freemasons to have us worshiping humans and turn our attention away from God and our intuition. 

4.) God is 100% purely positive; whereas we are a balance between positivity and negativity (from perceived absences of God due to our finite nature). 

5.) God has all infinite possibilities already within him. Therefore, God can relate to me better than anyone else, since I am essentially the real world version of an imaginary me inside of God! Likewise, God is quite literally looking through my eyes, feeling my emotions, and hearing my thoughts as they rise and fall. God, more so than anyone else, knows exactly what to say to me and when because of this. We're all similar to a telescope that God can look through and understand. 


Let's Examine Some Tenets involving God-Space (imaginary world) and Time-Space (our world): 

1.) God lives in an imaginary realm without rule or limitation.

2.) Our real world lies within God's imaginary world (in It's head). 

3.) God's imaginary world exists within our real world (in our head). 

4.) Lastly, the more our inner world (God-space) mirrors our outer world (time-space), the more aligned we are with God.

5.) God has an infinite number of individuals within himself, so in the imaginary realm, God is really only interacting with himself. Notice, that New Agers claim we are all the same person, simply because they are trying to mimic God without even knowing the real reason why they propagate such lies. Anyone who claims to be God is in error, for God can create by thought alone, as we all lie within God's imagination. When we think, we are not creating anything new, but simply summoning whatever aspect of God we are resonating with. When we create books or novels, we are simply combining different aspects of God and brining it forth into the real word.  

Let's Now Examine the Yin-Yang symbol:

Look at what the New Age has to say about this symbol:

What the Yin-Yang truly means:

            Do you see what is going on? Humans (specifically Man) are trying to exalt themselves as being God, much like the humanist movement. The reality of the situation is that both men and women are negatives. The only true opposite is God and we, there are no other opposites anywhere in all of existence. Thus, man (who is trying to be like God) has declared that women are his opposite, and that he will rule over woman in a way similar to how God rules over us. Only difference is that God does not want to control or make demands of us. Additionally, the Bible says that women came from men, and did not exist until men did, which is again an attempt to become God, as God proceeded us all. More importantly, this type of thinking also sets the world up to receive the Anti-Christ, who looks male (and is of one sex), as opposed to Christ, who looks female (but is of both sexes). 

Both Men and Women are Negatives:

Y = Spiritual Power (such as intelligence, strength, and creativity)

X = Physical Power (such as being beautiful, fertile, and healthy)

Notice, that the XY chromosomes can be used to describe a graph's coordinates. Why do you think scientists put that there?


The more spiritual power a man has, the more his physical prowess diminishes. Conversely, the more a woman's physical power increases, the more her spiritual power decreases. Both men and women are experiencing absences of each other, which is why they are both negatives. Women are the (-) horizontal negative of the + symbol (the x-coordinate), and men are the (|) vertical negative of the + symbol (the y-coordinate). Jesus Christ, signified with a + (cross), is therefore the fusion of the two negatives into a positive. 

Let's look at the Yin-Yang Chart again:

God is "High" and "Right." 

God, being purely positive, is found most abundantly in the Top-Right corner of the line graph coordinates. See what the world has been hiding right before our eyes?

A Positive is a complete being, men are but half the picture, how can they be positive as according to the New Age? God is the only 100% complete being, and therefore the only true positive. Human men and women are not in the (+,+) range in alignment with God, but in a (+,-) or a (-,+) range. Satan and their cronies are in the (-,-) range, and therefore can not experience God, and must absorb God through us. Likewise, God-like people are in the (+,+) range, Agnostics are in the (+,-) range, and Atheists are in the (-,-) range. Just what is it that can allow us to perceive an absence of God if God is everywhere? 

The Mansion with Infinite Rooms

Let's say that every and all creatures can be found within this Infinite Mansion. Let us also say that certain types of lifeforms live in each room. Let us then continue with there being a Human Room, a Cat Room, and Satan's Room. God is in It's full glory in every room, but we can not perceive of Infinity, so we must stay in our rooms to continue hearing God's message. However, being curious, we are bound to leave the room, enter the hallways, and find out what's in the other rooms. What happens when we enter the cat room? Since we are not cats, we soon become lost and have no clue how to get out. Fortunately, cats are not very much different from humans, so we eventually manage to get out the cat room, back into the hallway, and back into the human room. God tells us to always return back to our rooms so that we do not become lost for a very large amount of time. In our room, we can always hear God's message clearly, as it was tailor-made for human minds. Rather than asking God what is in Satan's Room, we decide to be adventurous and head off into the hallways, and into Satan's Room. Satan, however, realizing we have some degree of positivity to feed off of, has locked the door and thrown the key away. We can not get back out. Someone from the other side of the door has to open it. 

Satan has also been trapped in the wrong room for a long time, and has distorted God's message into negativity, which is why we have been under power of these Reptile-Hominids for so long. But Christ (The T'selians) are returning, and will re-open the locked door. The T'selians, being with Omega Chromosomes, can hear God's message in every room without distortion, which is why they do not experience an absence of God. We as humans need to get back into our Human Room, so that God can eventually give us the same reward.  

So what is the moral here? When we do what God intended for us, we don't end up trapped in the "wrong room." Hybrid species (like Satan) don't even have a room of their own, which is why God does not approve of inter-breeding. The only way for a hybrid to hear God's message, is for God to heal them. If they continue to sin (engage in self-destructive behavior), it becomes futile for God to keep healing them over and over again. These hybrids need to be put-down (or seemingly destroyed from our perspective) so that they become less active. At this point, is where God can completely heal all of their blemishes and tell them which room to go to.

Now, you ask, why can't God heal them instantaneously? Since we are finite creatures, if God were to flow his infinite power through us all at once, it would permanently destroy us. It's not because of a lack of power on God's behalf, but on our own accord, and hence why some need to be put-down in order for God to save them. It's counter-productive, as you can see, to keep returning to this state, but that's simply how negative creatures live. 

There is good in everything, but only God can see it. For instance, a cesspool of bacteria living in 400 degree temperature looks quite nasty to human eyes, and thankfully so, as I imagine our lives would end shortly after entering that heated mass. However, if the bacteria were to leave that cesspool and live in 80 degree weather with us, they would die soon after. When things are in the "room" that God put them in, is when goodness and perfection can be found. 

What is the Rapture?

Not too far into the distant future, this planet will be destroyed, and all who receive the True Christ will be taken up into Heaven (or T'sela). The False Christ will lead us all into Hell. Those who do not make a choice, will be destroyed along with the planet Earth, which has become so tainted and corrupted, that God needs to re-create the Earth anew in It's Womb.

When we die physically and spiritually, we leave the Time-Space continuum and return to mere existence. It is from God's imaginary realm (the place the totally dead go to), that It can instantaneously re-create the fallen in God's image without destroying them. While this in itself a blessing, you will have to enter the Lake of Fire (Black Hole) in order to do so, and that is an experience best avoided at all costs. Despite the media's attempts to conceal this truth, CERN's Large Hadron Collider is in the process of creating micro black holes, which will eventually grow large enough to consume the entire planet. So should you stay, you will be engulfed into it's mass, and exited out of Creation in the most horrible way possible (but you will meet God at the end of your agony). 

Now, if you were to choose the True Christ, upon arriving on T'sela, torsion waves from the twelve planets themselves will re-activate all dormant genetics in the human body over a period of time, depending on how corrupt the individual's genes are. This is obviously the preferred method of healing. 

What happens if you choose the False Christ?

The worst decision of the three: you enter Hell, then the Lake of Fire.  If you are not confident in discerning the True Christ, by all means, it is better to stay on the Earth and be destroyed, than to experience millenniums of torture and then destroyed.  


Do Black Holes entropy? Will they continually get larger forever and ever?

Potentially, but once the Black Hole runs out of positive energy to chew on, it will completely self-destruct and leave the Time-Space continuum (and everyone trapped within the Black Hole). Remember, a Black Hole is a fallen star that was once a luminescent gas giant, one of the brightest stars in the galaxy. Another way to rid the Universe of a Black Hole is to give it enough positive energy to become a bright star once again. 

For example: If a Black Hole has 1,000,000 kilowatts of negative energy, and only 7,000 kW positive energy, either another star or a powerful being can give it 993,000 kilowatts of positive energy, and it will stop self-destructing and become luminescent once again. The star will be very small with only 1 kilowatt of energy, but it's a starting point. This is the preferred method of dealing with Black Holes, much like the preferred method of dealing with fallen humans. Additionally, when a Black Hole is healed before it totally self-destructs, all of the creatures trapped inside are freed (which may or not be a good thing). 

Now again, we define "total self-destruction" as having only one experience--existence. When things get this bad and hit rock bottom, is when God will take the fallen creature and give it life.


Let's Re-examine Something:

While on the subject of gender, we determined that both men and women are negatives. We then realized that "Jesus Christ, signified with a + (cross), is therefore the fusion of the two negatives." Who, then, does God's creation more closely resemble from a physical perspective?

1. Jesus Christ is the Morning Star

2. Venus is the Morning Star

3. Men are said to have come from Mars, and women from Venus

Can we possibly conclude that if the Morning Star is a planet, and knowing planets contain a multitude of individual lifeforms, that these lifeforms can then be known collectively as Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ is not one figure, but many?

Like Jesus Christ, the female sex-symbol has a cross embedded in it. Likewise, the female sex symbol represents the comb and hand mirror of Venus, the morning star. 

Now, let's not forget that males likewise were created in lieu of Jesus' strength, creativity, and intelligence. But the male sex symbol does not bear the image (or physical likeness) of Christ (the cross), and therefore the multitudes of Jesus will not return in a male likeness (but the Anti-Christ most certainly will). 

Those who have a male physical form, and a female spirit, are negative-negative, as they suffer an absence in both directions. Those of the Anti-Christ can not mate, as they do not have a womb, and their ability to project genetic material is defunct as well. Those who fit this description are likely to take power increasingly as the years advance...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mass Effect: The L2 Implant (Part 6)

“The Mark of the Beast

Again, we see the truth displayed on television (the imaginary), and not in sources identified as educational (the reality). As posted earlier, the imaginary realm is God's reality, and it therefore proceeded our reality. Satan, knowing this, has rather cleverly revealed the truth in the media, as like God, his reality is our imagination (or so he wishes us to believe), before his reality soon becomes our reality as well.

Let's now examine the "L2 implant" from video game Mass Effect

"Most modern human biotics use the Alliance's L3 implant, which is safe to use but not particularly powerful. However, some older biotics are stuck with L2 implants, which allow abilities to spike higher - using an L2 implant, Kaidan Alenko's abilities are apparently comparable to an asari's - but at a cost. L2 implants are notorious for causing medical complications such as insanity, mental impairment, or extreme physical pain. It is possible to 'upgrade' from an L2 to an L3 implant, but the procedure is unethical because it carries a high risk of brain damage. Many L2s are angry at the way the Alliance has - in their view - abandoned them and want reparations for their suffering. In some cases, extreme physical or psychological stress can cause even stable biotic implants to flare up and cause similar health problems."

Hmmm, does this not sound like what Satan's Mark promises for humanity (and the terrifying side-effects associated with it?) Satan's mark promises that humans will have the same power the angels (asari) received from God, but he will not alert you of the harrowing sideeffects--Satan would rather you discover that yourself...


The title Mass Effect has some interesting true-to-life facets immersed in it's storyline:

Firstly, I find it interesting how the major background hominids are referred to as belonging to a different "race" as opposed to a different "species," somehow implying that they all share a common origin, maybe?

There are two Reptilian-based species:

(Krogans; much inspired by Reptilian genetics)

(Salarians; who resemble a fusion of Reptilian and Grey genetics)


An Avian Species (yet another abomination):

(Turians; based on a real life avian-hominid species created by Lucifer)

I also find it interesting how the second edition of Mass Effect promotes inter-species relationships throughout it's storyline, which is exactly in-line with Satan's agenda to create a "Baphomet" beast-like species. The resulting species would be a true abomination lacking any common sense or spiritual value, and humans will only descend even further away from God should they inter-breed with other imperfect, polar beings. 

I also find it very interesting how the Asari (modeled after the T'selians) are presented as being whorish in nature, when the reality of the situation is that T'selians are borderline sexual prudes; while they do greatly enjoy the act of physical copulation, it is only with those within their own species. However, Satan and their cronies are capable of changing form, and will decieve human eyes into believing they've somehow encountered a T'selian wishing to mate, when it is really a blood-thirsty demon.  

Where Can God be Found? (Part 5)

Who is God and why are we Here?

Given the massive amount of deception on this planet, it is important to understand that only inside of you can God be found as undistorted as possible, for we are all individuals, and God's message to each and everyone one of us is different.

            Now, let's not confuse "inside of you" with you somehow being God, for that is a tenet of the New Age doctrine which is entirely untrue. The minute you claim to be perfect, without error, and without room for improvement; is the minute you distance yourself from God and the future. We must accept that we are finite, and only through God (not Christ, not Buddha, nor any other finite entity) can we experience life.

Why Does Creation Exist?   

            We, the finite ones, have always existed--but prior to creation that's all we did. God has always had experiences outside of the time-space continuum because God is all of infinity actualized within himself, and thus, creation is God's gift to us. Through creation, we can now be animate (have life) and have purpose, intention, and intellect. Outside of the time-space continuum is only a past and a future, the present can only be experienced within the confines of these two elements (space and time). As we are not the Infinite Being who can perceive past and future, it was therefore necessary that creation exist so that we can be given life. 

            Through creation God, too, can experience emotions foreign to himself; such as the element of surprise (which can only occur from a lack of knowledge). God gave us free-will, and thus while God knows all the infinite ways we can do something, it isn't until it occurs that our decision can be known, and so God can now experience the present, and other emotions subject to the present. God is the past and the future (Alpha and Omega), and we are the proverbial "letters" in-between. Hence, why we perceive the world in dualities--God and the perceived absence of God. 

God and Us and God

God is perfection, and perfection is the containment of all possible genders, all possible physical laws, and all possible experiences. Perfection itself can only be referred as an "It" as it is the summation of all infinite characteristics. Conversely, we too were "its" before creation existed, as we were the lack of all infinite characteristics. Only within the boundaries of creation is where God (and we) can now have gender and identification. We can take on the personality God has given us, and God can take on an infinite number of personalities depending on who It is communicating with. 

            Firstly, let us understand that God is a being both without gender, and with all gender. At the infinite level, God is without gender and personality, for these are identifications used only when interacting with others, and since God can communicate only with It's own Self at the level of infinity, God is ultimately devoid of any unique characteristics distinguishing It's own Self from It's own Self (as nothing can oppose or contribute to infinity). Therefore, God is not segmented in any way, as we are the ones who are dualistic in nature. God is not defined by any of the trinities or dualities perverted religions will impose to enforce a finite God in creation (an impossibility, as God's body is infinite). Dualism can only occur through a perceived absence of God (or from not being God). God having perfect wisdom can not perceive a lack of It's own Self.

Essentially, we are all in a "God sandwich" of sorts...

            Where is God?

God lives in our imagination, and we live in God's imagination

            God innately *knew* of all infinite possibility, and therefore *realized* it into creation. To "realize" an action is to bring it forth from the realm of imagination and all possibility (God's realm of infinity) into the finite world, therefore making what is "known" (or imagined) become "real" (shared with the finite creation). Therefore, God can exist most comfortably in our imagination.

            Surely, most will assert that our imaginations are somehow an illusion, despite how real they are to the experiencer. Any doctrine of beliefs which asserts that all is an "illusion" and that certain facets of reality are more "real" than others, is one that is best avoided, as this is deception at it's finest. It is from the realm of imagination that reality came forth! 

            Only in your imagination, a segment of your life unique to yourself, is where God can directly send his message to you without the distortion of negative entities on this Earth. God's messages to you were never meant to shared with the whole world (or realized), as they were tailor-made for you. The only Biblical scripture which supports this is the Book of Enoch. When God spoke to Enoch, he spoke to Enoch alone. Others lacking a spiritual connection with God were mystified by this, they could only perceive reality (Us) and not the imaginary (God), and thus declared Enoch insane, when this is actually God's method of communicating with us. Every once in a while, a messenger may be requested on God's behalf to restore peace to the world and worlds, but should this messenger declare it's self to be God, be very wary, for God is infinite and will take on a form similar to whom he is communicating with, but this occurs only in our imagination and will be an experience unique to only you and God... 

            Many will claim that our imaginations are somehow "false," but this is all an attempt to do away with God, or to subjugate God with a passive force. God, more-so than all else in creation, is active, personable, and with a will of It's own--as God gave us these characteristics. God wishes to lead us away from turmoil, from disaster and disease, but many, as those in the time of Enoch, can no longer tune into God's message....

God is absolutely present in the real world as well, but as God's body is infinite, it is therefore impossible for us to see the body of God. It is for this reason, that God has chosen to communicate to us through our imagination (God's reality). 

The Dream World

           The "Dream Plane" we visit every night is actually a vivid, one-to-one communication with God. Our dreams are the best signifier of how we are progressing in life. All characters that you do not identify as yourself, are in reality, God. When we dream at night, the time-space continuum, and God's dream world of infinity, are interacting more intensely than they do in our waking moments. This is precisely because the only beings around in our sleep are God and the individual. Any negative entities you encounter in your dream are God's way of alerting you to possible dangers. Heed this warning. 

Q & A About God

1.) Does God punish or destroy It's creation?

No, as destruction is the absence of creation. It's much easier to tear a building down, than it is to create it, yes? God does not experience absence, and therefore God can not punish or destroy. However, God is aware of deeds which may lead to self-destruction, and will try to warn us of them in advance (such as smoking, taking drugs, etc...). 

2.) Does God experience wrath and hatred?

No, as these emotions are the absence of love. God has unconditional love for all, as God can see the infinite number of ways in which we can improve our current struggle, and also because no one can challenge or harm God enough to produce such emotions.

3.) What's God's relation to us, in terms of creation? Can you provide an analogy or metaphor?

Essentially, God is the ultimate director of Creation, and we are the actors. God builds the setting, creates the props, creates the characters, creates a loose script--and then leaves the rest to us. In this script, we are all ad-libbing and improvising our own lines, as God left the dialogue up to us. However, the general tone of the script was created directly by God, for instance; say in Scene IV, a mighty king is to loose power to another king. How this king looses power is our decision, but it will happen as God deemed it so. God has given us all a role in life, and we simply act it out according to our will.  

4.) How does God's "voice" sound?

God's voice will sound however It deems necessary when communicating with you. Though in the truest sense; God has a soft, beautiful, calming, and high-pitched voice (it resonates with love). 

5.) How can I find God, the real God, and not an impostor?

It all begins with saying in your mind "God I would like to meet you in my waking moments of life." When holding this thought, have a blank slate in mind, for welcoming any known finite image (such as Satan on the cross) is yet another demon trying to take hold of you. God is already there, you simply need to catch up to God. It may take a while before God can freely flow through you, but realizing that God is literally looking through your eyes, feeling your emotions, and hearing your thoughts as they arise, is the first step.... 

Friday, March 12, 2010

Who are the so-called Fallen Angels? (Part 4)

The "Fallen Angels," Lucifer's Abominations, and those created in God's Image of Perfection

It is important to be able to discern just who will lead those astray into Hell, and who will bring us closer to the Infinite One (who in turn will grant us many spiritual powers; such as healing, levitation, creativity, knowledge, understanding, and compassion).

            Foremost; it is important to know that we will never see the body of God, for God's body is infinite. We can not (nor can any other creature in creation) comprehend infinity, for we all view the world in finite terms. For this very reason, it is therefore important that we do not worship idols or any depictions of how God should look, for these are all finite and therefore untrue. To illustrate our difference with God:

The Infinite One: Infinite Actuality; Finite Potential

The Infinite Number of Ones (us): Infinite Possibility; Finite Actuality

            God is defined as being every and all possibility (within itself). It is only through us, the finite souls, that God can give birth to all these infinite ideals. Essentially, God is on a never-ending journey to become finite, and we are on a never-ending journey to be infinite. It is because of this one fundamental difference between God and we, that creation can even exist.  

            Before creation, all was still in the Universe. The Void we call outer-space is actually the perfect canvas for which God can paint upon, for it is without character or movement of any degree. This Void is from whence we all came. God, however, has always been and will always be, but prior to God giving us all intention and personality, we were simply chanting "I AM" and "I EXIST"--all I knew was my self, it wasn't until God gave me life that I even knew a world existed. The Devil, being a perverter of truth, has told New Agers that having an "ego or identity" is a disadvantage, and that the state of simply existing is where we belong. Now, I don't know about you, but doesn't returning to a state where I only know of my own self, and believe that only I exist, sound rather "egotistical"? This is an attempt by the wicked to make us as passive and weak as can be, so that they can do the impossible--change the will. 

            When God gave us spirit (life/animation/personality/will), this great being knew that it could not be changed. Free will is essentially a first cause, nothing can precede a free will, it can not be altered or changed once it has been given (only by who which possesses it). God however, has the ultimate free will, for example: if God wanted me to eat an apple yet I detest apples, as I am walking the floor could disappear and I find myself spiraling down an endless tunnel surrounded by that which I tried to avoid--the apple (or God's will). God gives me two options: eat the apple and leave, or spiral in the pit forever. The likelihood of me choosing to stay in this tunnel forever is highly unlikely, and therefore I will likely consume the apple in some point in time. God is the Alpha and the Omega, there is no escaping It's will. God also knows what is best for us, as God gave us personality and character, and rather ironically, the apple ends up being my favorite snack after all. Satan, however, understands this, but he still wishes to at least create the illusion of giving us all a new will after it has been set. 

Ever heard of a game called "The Sims"?

The Sims 

In the Sims, you can create people, create a world, and then control them against their will. It's funny how immensely popular this game is, and yet people do not realize this is Satan's intent for the world. A sim in this game, can be taking out the trash, and with a mouse click, I can order this individual to play chess instead. Satan wishes to have control over your body, and with enough New Age brainwashing, you won't have much of a desire to be independent either and will accept Satan's advances. 


Finally, just who are the Fallen Angels, the other Abominations, and those Created in God's Image (of Perfection)? How do they look? How else can we identify them? 

Let me first introduce you to the "Fallen Angels" (also known as the Annunaki, or the Watchers) and their leader "Lucifer" (parodied by Enki). 

(they've created many statues of themselves)

These beings fit the description of what are known as the "Pledians" to many. These are the Reptile-Hominids in human form who create wars, famine, indiscretion, and genocide. As biology would tell us, any fair-skinned person who mates with those of a darker complexion, soon finds that the offspring become progressively darker and darker. It is for this reason that the Pledians/Nordic Giants are so obsessed with genocide, and fueled Hitler's fury to create a master race devoid of melanin and pigmentation on this Earth. As is true of any population isolated from women, the Nordic Giants tend to have homosexual tenancies as well, and despise those of the female form other than for copulation and the continuation of their species, as they are essentially parasites without a womb who must prey on weaker species reproductively.

The real Lucifer is not one of the Annunaki. Lucifer is the T'selian who created the Reptile-Hominids who later interbred with human women whom gave birth to the Annunaki/Nephilim. The Annunaki often pretend to be "fallen angels" like Lucifer in their attempt to decieve the world. 

Enki is a member of the Annunaki who often pretends to be the real Lucifer. Rather than creating his own world, since Enki does not the have the power to do so, Enki interrupted in Lucifer's own creation and has since dominated the planet until Lucifer's return. 

The Abominations Lucifer created: 

Reptile-Hominids (Satan):

These beings like to pervert and distort every truth in the known Universe, and they will continue to have power over the Earth until Lucifer returns. Satan sometimes refer to themselves as "Reptilians" as it's spelled similar to "T'selians." 


The Greys:

Created by Satan as slaves and geneticists. 


Abominable Snowman/Yeti

There are many more, which are yet to be named, and I pray that you shall never gaze upon them, for their form is wicked, perverse, and horrifying to the senses. Hell is basically a landfill of organic waste. Beings that chose to be overtly violent were locked up in this location. Satan, however, wants to open the gates of Hell and allow these creatures to roam the Earth. A "gate" is essentially a portal from one location to another. Lucifer created on Earth portals to both Heaven (this portal is in the sky) and Hell (this portal is in the Earth's core). Those fortunate enough to partake in the Rapture will be spared the presence of demons walking the Earth.  

God's Image of Perfection: The T'selian Hermaphrodites

(Digital Projection of Lucifer)            

           The Original T'selians are those created in God's Image of Perfection. Their faces adhere to a certain structure of design, but complexions may come in all skin colors (even those not found on human skin). Likewise, the hair of all T'selian is soft and silky; but the texture can be either straight, wavy, or very curly. 

            Now, those with dark skin must have light hair and eyes to maintain balance (conversely, those with light skin must have dark hair and eyes). However, pubic hair and lip color are another source of melanin, and if one chose to over-throw the overall balance, the pubic hair (or the lips) must be lighter or darker to compliment this. This is all based on a gray-scale that should be overall 50% symmetrical (never 100% white or 100% black). The "Fallen Angels" have white skin, blue eyes, bleached hair (and pubic hair), and pink lips--therefore 100% white and 0% black, an abomination in God's eyes. 

            However, should you encounter a being of the T'selian phenotype, I would caution you avoid any contact until the wicked and the majority of the Earth have passed. Satan's minions are capable of changing form, and it is therefore unwise to approach any entity you do not already encounter in your daily life. 

Most importantly, don't look for a particular image so much as a feeling you have when you meet the oncoming beings in the future.  If they resonate with you, if they feel compassionate, clean, and without malicious intent then let them come towards you--do not go towards them. Positivity attracts positivity, if they can feel your cleanliness, then they will seek you directly. Do not ambush yourself by seeking those who may only be wishing to trap you...