It is important to be able to discern just who will lead those astray into Hell, and who will bring us closer to the Infinite One (who in turn will grant us many spiritual powers; such as healing, levitation, creativity, knowledge, understanding, and compassion).
Foremost; it is important to know that we will never see the body of God, for God's body is infinite. We can not (nor can any other creature in creation) comprehend infinity, for we all view the world in finite terms. For this very reason, it is therefore important that we do not worship idols or any depictions of how God should look, for these are all finite and therefore untrue. To illustrate our difference with God:
The Infinite One: Infinite Actuality; Finite Potential
The Infinite Number of Ones (us): Infinite Possibility; Finite Actuality
God is defined as being every and all possibility (within itself). It is only through us, the finite souls, that God can give birth to all these infinite ideals. Essentially, God is on a never-ending journey to become finite, and we are on a never-ending journey to be infinite. It is because of this one fundamental difference between God and we, that creation can even exist.
Before creation, all was still in the Universe. The Void we call outer-space is actually the perfect canvas for which God can paint upon, for it is without character or movement of any degree. This Void is from whence we all came. God, however, has always been and will always be, but prior to God giving us all intention and personality, we were simply chanting "I AM" and "I EXIST"--all I knew was my self, it wasn't until God gave me life that I even knew a world existed. The Devil, being a perverter of truth, has told New Agers that having an "ego or identity" is a disadvantage, and that the state of simply existing is where we belong. Now, I don't know about you, but doesn't returning to a state where I only know of my own self, and believe that only I exist, sound rather "egotistical"? This is an attempt by the wicked to make us as passive and weak as can be, so that they can do the impossible--change the will.
When God gave us spirit (life/animation/personality/will), this great being knew that it could not be changed. Free will is essentially a first cause, nothing can precede a free will, it can not be altered or changed once it has been given (only by who which possesses it). God however, has the ultimate free will, for example: if God wanted me to eat an apple yet I detest apples, as I am walking the floor could disappear and I find myself spiraling down an endless tunnel surrounded by that which I tried to avoid--the apple (or God's will). God gives me two options: eat the apple and leave, or spiral in the pit forever. The likelihood of me choosing to stay in this tunnel forever is highly unlikely, and therefore I will likely consume the apple in some point in time. God is the Alpha and the Omega, there is no escaping It's will. God also knows what is best for us, as God gave us personality and character, and rather ironically, the apple ends up being my favorite snack after all. Satan, however, understands this, but he still wishes to at least create the illusion of giving us all a new will after it has been set.
Ever heard of a game called "The Sims"?
The Sims
In the Sims, you can create people, create a world, and then control them against their will. It's funny how immensely popular this game is, and yet people do not realize this is Satan's intent for the world. A sim in this game, can be taking out the trash, and with a mouse click, I can order this individual to play chess instead. Satan wishes to have control over your body, and with enough New Age brainwashing, you won't have much of a desire to be independent either and will accept Satan's advances.
Finally, just who are the Fallen Angels, the other Abominations, and those Created in God's Image (of Perfection)? How do they look? How else can we identify them?
Let me first introduce you to the "Fallen Angels" (also known as the Annunaki, or the Watchers) and their leader "Lucifer" (parodied by Enki).
(they've created many statues of themselves)
These beings fit the description of what are known as the "Pledians" to many. These are the Reptile-Hominids in human form who create wars, famine, indiscretion, and genocide. As biology would tell us, any fair-skinned person who mates with those of a darker complexion, soon finds that the offspring become progressively darker and darker. It is for this reason that the Pledians/Nordic Giants are so obsessed with genocide, and fueled Hitler's fury to create a master race devoid of melanin and pigmentation on this Earth. As is true of any population isolated from women, the Nordic Giants tend to have homosexual tenancies as well, and despise those of the female form other than for copulation and the continuation of their species, as they are essentially parasites without a womb who must prey on weaker species reproductively.
The real Lucifer is not one of the Annunaki. Lucifer is the T'selian who created the Reptile-Hominids who later interbred with human women whom gave birth to the Annunaki/Nephilim. The Annunaki often pretend to be "fallen angels" like Lucifer in their attempt to decieve the world.
Enki is a member of the Annunaki who often pretends to be the real Lucifer. Rather than creating his own world, since Enki does not the have the power to do so, Enki interrupted in Lucifer's own creation and has since dominated the planet until Lucifer's return.
The Abominations Lucifer created:
Reptile-Hominids (Satan):
These beings like to pervert and distort every truth in the known Universe, and they will continue to have power over the Earth until Lucifer returns. Satan sometimes refer to themselves as "Reptilians" as it's spelled similar to "T'selians."
The Greys:
Created by Satan as slaves and geneticists.
Abominable Snowman/Yeti
There are many more, which are yet to be named, and I pray that you shall never gaze upon them, for their form is wicked, perverse, and horrifying to the senses. Hell is basically a landfill of organic waste. Beings that chose to be overtly violent were locked up in this location. Satan, however, wants to open the gates of Hell and allow these creatures to roam the Earth. A "gate" is essentially a portal from one location to another. Lucifer created on Earth portals to both Heaven (this portal is in the sky) and Hell (this portal is in the Earth's core). Those fortunate enough to partake in the Rapture will be spared the presence of demons walking the Earth.
God's Image of Perfection: The T'selian Hermaphrodites
(Digital Projection of Lucifer)
The Original T'selians are those created in God's Image of Perfection. Their faces adhere to a certain structure of design, but complexions may come in all skin colors (even those not found on human skin). Likewise, the hair of all T'selian is soft and silky; but the texture can be either straight, wavy, or very curly.
Now, those with dark skin must have light hair and eyes to maintain balance (conversely, those with light skin must have dark hair and eyes). However, pubic hair and lip color are another source of melanin, and if one chose to over-throw the overall balance, the pubic hair (or the lips) must be lighter or darker to compliment this. This is all based on a gray-scale that should be overall 50% symmetrical (never 100% white or 100% black). The "Fallen Angels" have white skin, blue eyes, bleached hair (and pubic hair), and pink lips--therefore 100% white and 0% black, an abomination in God's eyes.
However, should you encounter a being of the T'selian phenotype, I would caution you avoid any contact until the wicked and the majority of the Earth have passed. Satan's minions are capable of changing form, and it is therefore unwise to approach any entity you do not already encounter in your daily life.
Most importantly, don't look for a particular image so much as a feeling you have when you meet the oncoming beings in the future. If they resonate with you, if they feel compassionate, clean, and without malicious intent then let them come towards you--do not go towards them. Positivity attracts positivity, if they can feel your cleanliness, then they will seek you directly. Do not ambush yourself by seeking those who may only be wishing to trap you...
Um, I know I'm 8 years too late to reply, but you should probably switch prescriptions.