God is our only true opposite, and we are God's only true opposite. As is known, similarities are needed for opposites to exist, so we likewise have more in common with God, than anyone else. The Yin-Yang symbol, in reality, displays our differences and similarities with God, but Eastern Thought has managed to replace God with man.
The Infinite One (God): Infinite Actuality; Finite Potential
The Infinite Number of Ones (us): Infinite Possibility; Finite Actuality
Let's further examine our relation with God:
1.) We have to experience infinity step by step in order to have life, and therefore need to be bound by the limits of time and space. Outside of the time-space continuum, we were existing as wasted potential, solely existing. God, conversely, needs to experience all steps in order to have life, and therefore can not exist within the boundaries of the time-space continuum (another reason why Jesus Christ is not God, but God's creation. We are then Jesus' creation).
2.) To us, eternal stillness equates to death (distance from infinity). To God, change and advancement equates to death (no longer being infinite).
3.) There is only one infinite God, whereas there are an infinite number of finite beings. God has undivided power, and does not share It's power between three persons (as in the Christian Trinity), or with 300 persons (as in Hinduism). These are all ploys created by Freemasons to have us worshiping humans and turn our attention away from God and our intuition.
4.) God is 100% purely positive; whereas we are a balance between positivity and negativity (from perceived absences of God due to our finite nature).
5.) God has all infinite possibilities already within him. Therefore, God can relate to me better than anyone else, since I am essentially the real world version of an imaginary me inside of God! Likewise, God is quite literally looking through my eyes, feeling my emotions, and hearing my thoughts as they rise and fall. God, more so than anyone else, knows exactly what to say to me and when because of this. We're all similar to a telescope that God can look through and understand.
Let's Examine Some Tenets involving God-Space (imaginary world) and Time-Space (our world):
1.) God lives in an imaginary realm without rule or limitation.
2.) Our real world lies within God's imaginary world (in It's head).
3.) God's imaginary world exists within our real world (in our head).
4.) Lastly, the more our inner world (God-space) mirrors our outer world (time-space), the more aligned we are with God.
5.) God has an infinite number of individuals within himself, so in the imaginary realm, God is really only interacting with himself. Notice, that New Agers claim we are all the same person, simply because they are trying to mimic God without even knowing the real reason why they propagate such lies. Anyone who claims to be God is in error, for God can create by thought alone, as we all lie within God's imagination. When we think, we are not creating anything new, but simply summoning whatever aspect of God we are resonating with. When we create books or novels, we are simply combining different aspects of God and brining it forth into the real word.
Let's Now Examine the Yin-Yang symbol:
Look at what the New Age has to say about this symbol:
What the Yin-Yang truly means:
Do you see what is going on? Humans (specifically Man) are trying to exalt themselves as being God, much like the humanist movement. The reality of the situation is that both men and women are negatives. The only true opposite is God and we, there are no other opposites anywhere in all of existence. Thus, man (who is trying to be like God) has declared that women are his opposite, and that he will rule over woman in a way similar to how God rules over us. Only difference is that God does not want to control or make demands of us. Additionally, the Bible says that women came from men, and did not exist until men did, which is again an attempt to become God, as God proceeded us all. More importantly, this type of thinking also sets the world up to receive the Anti-Christ, who looks male (and is of one sex), as opposed to Christ, who looks female (but is of both sexes).
Both Men and Women are Negatives:
Y = Spiritual Power (such as intelligence, strength, and creativity)
X = Physical Power (such as being beautiful, fertile, and healthy)
Notice, that the XY chromosomes can be used to describe a graph's coordinates. Why do you think scientists put that there?
The more spiritual power a man has, the more his physical prowess diminishes. Conversely, the more a woman's physical power increases, the more her spiritual power decreases. Both men and women are experiencing absences of each other, which is why they are both negatives. Women are the (-) horizontal negative of the + symbol (the x-coordinate), and men are the (|) vertical negative of the + symbol (the y-coordinate). Jesus Christ, signified with a + (cross), is therefore the fusion of the two negatives into a positive.
Let's look at the Yin-Yang Chart again:
God is "High" and "Right."
God, being purely positive, is found most abundantly in the Top-Right corner of the line graph coordinates. See what the world has been hiding right before our eyes?
A Positive is a complete being, men are but half the picture, how can they be positive as according to the New Age? God is the only 100% complete being, and therefore the only true positive. Human men and women are not in the (+,+) range in alignment with God, but in a (+,-) or a (-,+) range. Satan and their cronies are in the (-,-) range, and therefore can not experience God, and must absorb God through us. Likewise, God-like people are in the (+,+) range, Agnostics are in the (+,-) range, and Atheists are in the (-,-) range. Just what is it that can allow us to perceive an absence of God if God is everywhere?
The Mansion with Infinite Rooms
Let's say that every and all creatures can be found within this Infinite Mansion. Let us also say that certain types of lifeforms live in each room. Let us then continue with there being a Human Room, a Cat Room, and Satan's Room. God is in It's full glory in every room, but we can not perceive of Infinity, so we must stay in our rooms to continue hearing God's message. However, being curious, we are bound to leave the room, enter the hallways, and find out what's in the other rooms. What happens when we enter the cat room? Since we are not cats, we soon become lost and have no clue how to get out. Fortunately, cats are not very much different from humans, so we eventually manage to get out the cat room, back into the hallway, and back into the human room. God tells us to always return back to our rooms so that we do not become lost for a very large amount of time. In our room, we can always hear God's message clearly, as it was tailor-made for human minds. Rather than asking God what is in Satan's Room, we decide to be adventurous and head off into the hallways, and into Satan's Room. Satan, however, realizing we have some degree of positivity to feed off of, has locked the door and thrown the key away. We can not get back out. Someone from the other side of the door has to open it.
Satan has also been trapped in the wrong room for a long time, and has distorted God's message into negativity, which is why we have been under power of these Reptile-Hominids for so long. But Christ (The T'selians) are returning, and will re-open the locked door. The T'selians, being with Omega Chromosomes, can hear God's message in every room without distortion, which is why they do not experience an absence of God. We as humans need to get back into our Human Room, so that God can eventually give us the same reward.
So what is the moral here? When we do what God intended for us, we don't end up trapped in the "wrong room." Hybrid species (like Satan) don't even have a room of their own, which is why God does not approve of inter-breeding. The only way for a hybrid to hear God's message, is for God to heal them. If they continue to sin (engage in self-destructive behavior), it becomes futile for God to keep healing them over and over again. These hybrids need to be put-down (or seemingly destroyed from our perspective) so that they become less active. At this point, is where God can completely heal all of their blemishes and tell them which room to go to.
Now, you ask, why can't God heal them instantaneously? Since we are finite creatures, if God were to flow his infinite power through us all at once, it would permanently destroy us. It's not because of a lack of power on God's behalf, but on our own accord, and hence why some need to be put-down in order for God to save them. It's counter-productive, as you can see, to keep returning to this state, but that's simply how negative creatures live.
There is good in everything, but only God can see it. For instance, a cesspool of bacteria living in 400 degree temperature looks quite nasty to human eyes, and thankfully so, as I imagine our lives would end shortly after entering that heated mass. However, if the bacteria were to leave that cesspool and live in 80 degree weather with us, they would die soon after. When things are in the "room" that God put them in, is when goodness and perfection can be found.
What is the Rapture?
Not too far into the distant future, this planet will be destroyed, and all who receive the True Christ will be taken up into Heaven (or T'sela). The False Christ will lead us all into Hell. Those who do not make a choice, will be destroyed along with the planet Earth, which has become so tainted and corrupted, that God needs to re-create the Earth anew in It's Womb.
When we die physically and spiritually, we leave the Time-Space continuum and return to mere existence. It is from God's imaginary realm (the place the totally dead go to), that It can instantaneously re-create the fallen in God's image without destroying them. While this in itself a blessing, you will have to enter the Lake of Fire (Black Hole) in order to do so, and that is an experience best avoided at all costs. Despite the media's attempts to conceal this truth, CERN's Large Hadron Collider is in the process of creating micro black holes, which will eventually grow large enough to consume the entire planet. So should you stay, you will be engulfed into it's mass, and exited out of Creation in the most horrible way possible (but you will meet God at the end of your agony).
Now, if you were to choose the True Christ, upon arriving on T'sela, torsion waves from the twelve planets themselves will re-activate all dormant genetics in the human body over a period of time, depending on how corrupt the individual's genes are. This is obviously the preferred method of healing.
What happens if you choose the False Christ?
The worst decision of the three: you enter Hell, then the Lake of Fire. If you are not confident in discerning the True Christ, by all means, it is better to stay on the Earth and be destroyed, than to experience millenniums of torture and then destroyed.
Do Black Holes entropy? Will they continually get larger forever and ever?
Potentially, but once the Black Hole runs out of positive energy to chew on, it will completely self-destruct and leave the Time-Space continuum (and everyone trapped within the Black Hole). Remember, a Black Hole is a fallen star that was once a luminescent gas giant, one of the brightest stars in the galaxy. Another way to rid the Universe of a Black Hole is to give it enough positive energy to become a bright star once again.
For example: If a Black Hole has 1,000,000 kilowatts of negative energy, and only 7,000 kW positive energy, either another star or a powerful being can give it 993,000 kilowatts of positive energy, and it will stop self-destructing and become luminescent once again. The star will be very small with only 1 kilowatt of energy, but it's a starting point. This is the preferred method of dealing with Black Holes, much like the preferred method of dealing with fallen humans. Additionally, when a Black Hole is healed before it totally self-destructs, all of the creatures trapped inside are freed (which may or not be a good thing).
Now again, we define "total self-destruction" as having only one experience--existence. When things get this bad and hit rock bottom, is when God will take the fallen creature and give it life.
Let's Re-examine Something:
While on the subject of gender, we determined that both men and women are negatives. We then realized that "Jesus Christ, signified with a + (cross), is therefore the fusion of the two negatives." Who, then, does God's creation more closely resemble from a physical perspective?
1. Jesus Christ is the Morning Star
2. Venus is the Morning Star
3. Men are said to have come from Mars, and women from Venus
Can we possibly conclude that if the Morning Star is a planet, and knowing planets contain a multitude of individual lifeforms, that these lifeforms can then be known collectively as Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ is not one figure, but many?
Like Jesus Christ, the female sex-symbol has a cross embedded in it. Likewise, the female sex symbol represents the comb and hand mirror of Venus, the morning star.
Now, let's not forget that males likewise were created in lieu of Jesus' strength, creativity, and intelligence. But the male sex symbol does not bear the image (or physical likeness) of Christ (the cross), and therefore the multitudes of Jesus will not return in a male likeness (but the Anti-Christ most certainly will).
Those who have a male physical form, and a female spirit, are negative-negative, as they suffer an absence in both directions. Those of the Anti-Christ can not mate, as they do not have a womb, and their ability to project genetic material is defunct as well. Those who fit this description are likely to take power increasingly as the years advance...
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