Given the massive amount of deception on this planet, it is important to understand that only inside of you can God be found as undistorted as possible, for we are all individuals, and God's message to each and everyone one of us is different.
Now, let's not confuse "inside of you" with you somehow being God, for that is a tenet of the New Age doctrine which is entirely untrue. The minute you claim to be perfect, without error, and without room for improvement; is the minute you distance yourself from God and the future. We must accept that we are finite, and only through God (not Christ, not Buddha, nor any other finite entity) can we experience life.
Why Does Creation Exist?
We, the finite ones, have always existed--but prior to creation that's all we did. God has always had experiences outside of the time-space continuum because God is all of infinity actualized within himself, and thus, creation is God's gift to us. Through creation, we can now be animate (have life) and have purpose, intention, and intellect. Outside of the time-space continuum is only a past and a future, the present can only be experienced within the confines of these two elements (space and time). As we are not the Infinite Being who can perceive past and future, it was therefore necessary that creation exist so that we can be given life.
Through creation God, too, can experience emotions foreign to himself; such as the element of surprise (which can only occur from a lack of knowledge). God gave us free-will, and thus while God knows all the infinite ways we can do something, it isn't until it occurs that our decision can be known, and so God can now experience the present, and other emotions subject to the present. God is the past and the future (Alpha and Omega), and we are the proverbial "letters" in-between. Hence, why we perceive the world in dualities--God and the perceived absence of God.
God and Us and God
God is perfection, and perfection is the containment of all possible genders, all possible physical laws, and all possible experiences. Perfection itself can only be referred as an "It" as it is the summation of all infinite characteristics. Conversely, we too were "its" before creation existed, as we were the lack of all infinite characteristics. Only within the boundaries of creation is where God (and we) can now have gender and identification. We can take on the personality God has given us, and God can take on an infinite number of personalities depending on who It is communicating with.
Firstly, let us understand that God is a being both without gender, and with all gender. At the infinite level, God is without gender and personality, for these are identifications used only when interacting with others, and since God can communicate only with It's own Self at the level of infinity, God is ultimately devoid of any unique characteristics distinguishing It's own Self from It's own Self (as nothing can oppose or contribute to infinity). Therefore, God is not segmented in any way, as we are the ones who are dualistic in nature. God is not defined by any of the trinities or dualities perverted religions will impose to enforce a finite God in creation (an impossibility, as God's body is infinite). Dualism can only occur through a perceived absence of God (or from not being God). God having perfect wisdom can not perceive a lack of It's own Self.
Essentially, we are all in a "God sandwich" of sorts...
Where is God?
God lives in our imagination, and we live in God's imagination
God innately *knew* of all infinite possibility, and therefore *realized* it into creation. To "realize" an action is to bring it forth from the realm of imagination and all possibility (God's realm of infinity) into the finite world, therefore making what is "known" (or imagined) become "real" (shared with the finite creation). Therefore, God can exist most comfortably in our imagination.
Surely, most will assert that our imaginations are somehow an illusion, despite how real they are to the experiencer. Any doctrine of beliefs which asserts that all is an "illusion" and that certain facets of reality are more "real" than others, is one that is best avoided, as this is deception at it's finest. It is from the realm of imagination that reality came forth!
Only in your imagination, a segment of your life unique to yourself, is where God can directly send his message to you without the distortion of negative entities on this Earth. God's messages to you were never meant to shared with the whole world (or realized), as they were tailor-made for you. The only Biblical scripture which supports this is the Book of Enoch. When God spoke to Enoch, he spoke to Enoch alone. Others lacking a spiritual connection with God were mystified by this, they could only perceive reality (Us) and not the imaginary (God), and thus declared Enoch insane, when this is actually God's method of communicating with us. Every once in a while, a messenger may be requested on God's behalf to restore peace to the world and worlds, but should this messenger declare it's self to be God, be very wary, for God is infinite and will take on a form similar to whom he is communicating with, but this occurs only in our imagination and will be an experience unique to only you and God...
Many will claim that our imaginations are somehow "false," but this is all an attempt to do away with God, or to subjugate God with a passive force. God, more-so than all else in creation, is active, personable, and with a will of It's own--as God gave us these characteristics. God wishes to lead us away from turmoil, from disaster and disease, but many, as those in the time of Enoch, can no longer tune into God's message....
God is absolutely present in the real world as well, but as God's body is infinite, it is therefore impossible for us to see the body of God. It is for this reason, that God has chosen to communicate to us through our imagination (God's reality).
The Dream World
The "Dream Plane" we visit every night is actually a vivid, one-to-one communication with God. Our dreams are the best signifier of how we are progressing in life. All characters that you do not identify as yourself, are in reality, God. When we dream at night, the time-space continuum, and God's dream world of infinity, are interacting more intensely than they do in our waking moments. This is precisely because the only beings around in our sleep are God and the individual. Any negative entities you encounter in your dream are God's way of alerting you to possible dangers. Heed this warning.
Q & A About God
1.) Does God punish or destroy It's creation?
No, as destruction is the absence of creation. It's much easier to tear a building down, than it is to create it, yes? God does not experience absence, and therefore God can not punish or destroy. However, God is aware of deeds which may lead to self-destruction, and will try to warn us of them in advance (such as smoking, taking drugs, etc...).
2.) Does God experience wrath and hatred?
No, as these emotions are the absence of love. God has unconditional love for all, as God can see the infinite number of ways in which we can improve our current struggle, and also because no one can challenge or harm God enough to produce such emotions.
3.) What's God's relation to us, in terms of creation? Can you provide an analogy or metaphor?
Essentially, God is the ultimate director of Creation, and we are the actors. God builds the setting, creates the props, creates the characters, creates a loose script--and then leaves the rest to us. In this script, we are all ad-libbing and improvising our own lines, as God left the dialogue up to us. However, the general tone of the script was created directly by God, for instance; say in Scene IV, a mighty king is to loose power to another king. How this king looses power is our decision, but it will happen as God deemed it so. God has given us all a role in life, and we simply act it out according to our will.
4.) How does God's "voice" sound?
God's voice will sound however It deems necessary when communicating with you. Though in the truest sense; God has a soft, beautiful, calming, and high-pitched voice (it resonates with love).
5.) How can I find God, the real God, and not an impostor?
It all begins with saying in your mind "God I would like to meet you in my waking moments of life." When holding this thought, have a blank slate in mind, for welcoming any known finite image (such as Satan on the cross) is yet another demon trying to take hold of you. God is already there, you simply need to catch up to God. It may take a while before God can freely flow through you, but realizing that God is literally looking through your eyes, feeling your emotions, and hearing your thoughts as they arise, is the first step....
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